James despised the ornate décor of his office. The city council had insisted that the anachronistic look suited him, but they had clearly made the decision on the basis of his age and nothing else. But it was sturdy and functional, so he’d have to deal with it.
Sometimes, he wondered if he should quit his job as a patrician and travel the world for the next few decades. As the patriarch of Los Eternos, he had to manage an city-state of unruly immortals and mages. Supernatural communities were largely on their own. That meant that he had that many more responsibilities and duties to handle.
On top of that, his status as an incubus meant he could never quite shake the image that people had of him as lustful and immature. Despite his age and power, outsiders thought little of the the charming redheaded man with facial hair and a cane.
He was filling out paperwork in his office when his personal enforcer walked in, dragging a handcuffed man. James looked at the captive; He was dressed in garments as outdated as the room they were in, but the only people that dressed like that were young vampires trying to look older. There was no way he was over a hundred.
“Right on time. Arabella, lock the door, will you?” He smiled and nodded to the white-haired woman. Her expression didn’t change, but she nodded in understanding, uncuffed the vampire, and secured the door.
James then turned to his ‘guest’, still smiling. “Mr. Martin, thank you for coming so promptly.”
“Cut the shit.” The male vampire barked. “Do you think a small-time politician like you can just send your thugs after anyone you want?”
“No, that’s too much paperwork.” James answered. “Now, sit down. I’ll make this quick.”
After the other man sat down, James continued. “I understand you just moved here a few weeks ago. Are you familiar with local hunting codes?”
The only answer he got was a scowl.
“I’ve spent decades trying to make this a safe place for immortals, but that takes a lot of compromise. Normal humans living here need to be assured that we truly do follow the rules.”
The vampire was almost squirming in his seat. James let his words sink in briefly before slamming some papers down on the table, flipping through the pile of photos at the top. “And that’s why we can’t have you breaking into their homes or feeding on weaker humans.”
“Are you kidding me? All of this over a few naturals?” The vampire forced laugh, and the woman at the back watched his movements closely. James looked towards her briefly and shook his head.
“No, I’m protecting my fellow immortals. Have you ever seen naturals in a state of paranoia?” James leaned forward on his desk as he stood up and reached for his cane.
“But to answer your question, no. There have been other incidents in the city involving murdered immortals, so you’re going to answer a few questions for me.”
“Murders? That’s a cute one.” The vampire’s smirk was as smug as it was maniacal. “Go get me whoever’s actually in charge, then we can talk.”
James was visibly irritated as he started walking around his desk, being careful to not make any sudden movements. “If you want to speak to someone else, we’ll be having a hearing to decide what to do with you. For now, I’m taking you in.”
Arabella was discreetly reaching into the various pockets of her coat and satchels, and James briefly turned to look her in the eye again, prompting her to stop.
“Over my dead body!” The vampire leaped directly towards James. The incubus struck his assailant with the broad side of his cane while he sidestepped the attack. Martin went crashing onto the desk, tossing everything on it to the ground.
“Are you done now?” James and rolled his eyes while keeping his cane ready.
The other man didn’t respond, instead springing up and biting James’s hand in one fluid motion. The arm started going numb, and it was now impossible to move. He reacted hastily, and forcefully turned his body, throwing the vampire to the side.
“Is this the best you can do, sleazeball?” The vampire pulled himself up, proud of himself. With the incubus no longer a threat, he just needed to go get the door keys from that woman guarding the door.
Wait, she was guarding the door, right?
An arm wrapped tightly around the vampire’s neck while a gun was held up against his temple. He could feel his heart beating faster and his airways being constricted, but tried to act unphased.
The woman didn’t respond, only tightening her grip. His vision faded, and he went limp. With the threat incapacitated, she turned to her immobilized superior with a look of concern.
“I don’t know why you keep trying to handle these fights yourself.” The woman finally spoke as she put her gun back in its holster. “You’re going to be okay, right?”
“It doesn’t look good if an immortal to let their underlings do all of the dirty work for them. Besides, it’s just some paralytic venom.” James stumbled back and immediately stumbled onto a couch in the corner. “By the way, you promised me you would stop trying to go up against vampires. ”
“Who knows what that guy would have done if I didn’t? Besides, you seem to be fine with it when I’m tracking them down.” Arabella responded bluntly as she handcuffed the man.
“Sooner or later, surprise tactics aren’t going to work, and you’re not going to stand a chance.” James would need to have a longer talk with her later, but that’s all he could say for now.
“You know where to take him. Lock the door on your way out.” James took a seat on a nearby nodded off without waiting for her to acknowledge any of what he said.
Concubi’s powers varied between individuals, but they all involved dreams. Therefore, They could only truly employ their powers while asleep. It was a small price to pay, and it meant that incidents like this wouldn’t completely waste his time.
It was a short elevator trip to the basement of the building, and then a short walk to the end of the hall, where a slender man with waist-length dark hair was waiting for Arabella. The man sized up the unconscious vampire, trying to draw his own conclusions about the scene. “I take it the interrogation didn’t go well?”
Arabella reached out to hand the unconscious man. “There was no interrogation. He freaked out the moment James brought up the murders. James got bit, but he’s okay.”
Vampires not following laws around hunting was common, but when immortals and mages started turning up dead? That was another matter altogether. And they were currently grasping at straws when it came to leads.
“I told him to let me come along.” Ray whined. “Well, I’ll deal with this bottom feeder. But... Arby?”
“Yes”? Arabella looked over to Ray. She was trying to read his facial expression. Was that anger? Fear? Just anxiety?
“You know what? Forget it.” The look on his face was replaced with mild annoyance. “We’ve both got work to do. Shoo.”
Arabella nodded knowingly and turned to walk away. She was apprehensive about leaving someone like that vampire alone with anyone, but she had her duties, and Ray had his. Ray had been around much longer, and James trusted him completely. So why was he so cagey around her?
“Your daddy may have taught you how to deal with immortals, but you’re still a useless bitch.” Ray muttered out loud as soon as he was sure nobody could hear him. It was a relief to not have to hide his disgust anymore.
James opened his eyes and stretched his arms. They were working, excellent. He was still on the couch, but one look around showed that mess from the fight was already cleaned up, and a travel mug was placed on the coffee table in front of him.
“Ray’s taking care of the perp. You okay?” Arabella’s voice asked from just out of sight.
“I’m fine.” He turned to her and smiled warmly and reached for the mug in front of him. He still felt his body resisting his movements, but he could move with effort.
“Should I take you home?” Arabella crossed her arms. Her face was stoic as always, but there was a concerned look in her eyes.
“In a few hours. I’m going to try to get some work done first. You have the rest of the day to yourself, I’m staying home to recover, and I’m going to need a lot of help around the house.” James smiled suggestively.
Arabella wasn’t going to complain. This murder investigation was harrowing, and she was sure things would get worse before they get better. For now, she’ll take any reprieve she can get.
As she walked out, she checked her phone and noticed a voicemail from a contact labeled ‘Dad’. She sighed before deleting it.
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