"I like it.. " Rhythm interrupted
"Like? " August asked
" I like when you did that " Rhythm said confidently
"Then will you be my boyfriend? " August asked excitedly
Rhythm thought for while and exclaimed "I'll say after the auditions tomorrow"
He turned around and rushed to his house
"I'll be waiting for tomorrow"August shouted
Rhythm quickly got inside his house and locked the door..he heard August... And he was smiling to himself but then he saw his uncle standing before him crossing his hand
"Uncle... I ... I... "
"Ron said you went with August... Why ... You went with him why did you go with August" Mike asked with a serious expression
"I don't like to be with him uncle.. he makes me feel uncomfortable and I don't see him as my friend now" Rhythm said honestly
"Okay... I'll not force you again... If you don't like to be with him... It's not that I really like him ... But Mr sean is good to you so I don't want to hurt him and disrespect them " Mike said as he sat on the sofa
"I'll apologise to him tomorrow
uncle " Rhythm said
" How is your practice going on ?.. have you prepared well for your audition tomorrow?"
"Yeah uncle.... I've prepared well for it... I'm sure I'll get into it " Rhythm said confidently
"You'll I know... But if you get selected... Don't get overconfident you still have the finals "
Mike said
"Yes.. uncle... I'll practice well for it "
"Go to your room and rest well ... Don't stress much... Tomorrow no need to make breakfast focus on audition " Mike said
"Yes uncle... Good night uncle " Rhythm said ...
He turned around to go to his room but Mike called him again
"Yes uncle ?"
"Is there anything i should know?" Mike asked with a grave expression
Rhythm pressed his lips and turned around... He crossed his fingers and exclaimed
"No uncle... There's nothing believe me !"
Mike looked into his eyes and Rhythm lowered his eyelids...
"Go to your room .. rest well " Mike ordered
Rhythm nodded and went to his room feeling guilty... He didn't want to lie to his uncle but he was helpless too...
Rhythm washed himself and change into comfy clothes... He threw himself into the bed thinking about his uncle.... But then he got a notification from August... He quickly opened it
"Sleeping?" August asked
"Are you missing me that much ?" He said looking at the phone
He decided to message August after a minute and kept looking at the clock ... But then he got another message
"If you're sleepy I'm going to sleep too, good night "
" No don't " he said and messaged August
"I was going to sleep"
"Then can we chat ?' August asked
Rhythm hugged the pillow and hit his hand on the mattress...
"Yeah sure " he replied
"Then I'm calling you... "He got a message
"What no...I agreed to chat on message" Rhythm exclaimed
But it was too late August called him and it was a video call ... Rhythm got up and bit his nails
"Wait... He didn't mention video
call... "
He was scared and peeped at the door... His hand became slippery and he was panicking he didn't know when he picked up the call and August was looking at him
"Oh no !" He exclaimed and hid behind his pillow
"I already saw you don't hide... " August said
Rhythm peeped through the pillow and closed his eyes again
"Argh ... Why are you not wearing anything?"
"I sleep like this... I'm more comfortable this way " August said laughing
"Please wear a shirt ... I'm not used to this " Rhythm said
"No it's very hot here... I don't want to"
"Then I'm hanging up "
"No... No... I'm wearing a shirt "
Rhythm looked at the screen and August wore a sleeveless shirt... He was looking at the biceps of August with wide eyes ... August look at him and smirked...
"They are so good right?, want me to lift you with these ?" He asked
Rhythm looked away .. and August laughed at him
"I wish I could bite those squeezy cheeks" he said
Rhythm narrowed his eyes and showed his tongue ... He slept on the bed and hugged his little crocodile plushie
"Hey don't hug it like that I'm jealous" August whined
"I'll it's my bed.. my Mr crocodile.. I'll do anything i like " Rhythm said
"Anything huh?" August asked smirking
Hearing this Rhythm kissed the crocodile a hundredth time and August whined...
They talked and talked with each other and August told him stories of his childhood and share his favourites with Rhythm... Rhythm too shared everything with August
"You know Rhythm.. i "
August heard the snoring of Rhythm... He looked at the screen and saw him sleeping with his little crocodile plushie... August touched the screen as if he was patting Rhythm's haie and comforting him... He kissed on the screen and exclaimed
"Mr crocodile take good care of him "
He looked for the final time at Rhythm and cut the call... "Goodnight both of you" he exclaimed
Next day
Rhythm was practicing his song as Mike and Steve entered his room ...Steve hugged Rhythm and turned towards his uncle
"Pa... Shall I bring it for him ?
Mike nodes "go bring it for your brother "
Rhythm looked at both of them confused... Steve went outside and came back with a box...
"Brother this is for you " he said
"What is it Steve ?" Rhythm asked
He opened the box and found a pair of new sneakers...
"This ... This .... Is beautiful " he exclaimed
"Pa saw you that day you were surfing this shoe on internet and he brought you this "
Steve said and he hugged Mike and Mike too pat his hair..
"Naughty brat.... You can never keep anything secret !" He said
Rhythm looked at his sneakers and was about to wear it but he stopped and his face turned pale
"It's too expensive uncle why did you bring it for me ? " He said
"Brother why are you always thinking about money?" Steve exclaimed
"Son pack your bag " Mike ordered
"Pa.. " Steve cried
"Now " Mike ordered and Steve went to his room
Mike sat on the bed and took the sneakers .. he took Rhythm's feet and made him wear it
" Rhythm... Your old shoes are already torn and you are in college now... you should wear good clothes and shoes... "
"Uncle I'll buy these are so expensive..
Can we return them ?"
"I brought it on sale .. and I'm not returning it " Mike said
"But uncle "
"Rhythm don't disobey me " Mike ordered
Rhythm kept quiet but he was still looking at the shoes with sad eyes... Seeing his pale face Mike continued
"If you really want to make it up for me...you must get selected in today's audition "
Rhythm smiled and looked at his uncle
"I'll surely get selected uncle... I'll do my best "
"That's my nephew... Now get ready and go soon "
Mike said and got up .... Rhythm too got up and picked his bag and guitar... He went outside and got on his bike
"I'm leaving uncle "
Mike exclaimed "all the best "
Steve too shouted "all the best
brother "
Rhythm waved at them and left for his college
Steve too wished him
Finally we've completed 26 episode I'm very happy I hope you guys too love this story so tell in comments
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