Wowww .... A traditional song ... "
"With the GUZHENG !!"
"He's going to sing chinese"
Everyone whispered
"You many proceed " the judges said
Rhythm took a deep breathe and sat on the seat... He adjusted himself and took a deep breathe ....
"Can I take a minute?" He asked the judges
"Yeah sure... Someone please give him water " the female judge said
And Rhythm drank it and closed his eyes... He remembered his father who abandoned him... He remembered his mother who died the moment he was born.... His uncle who took him and raised him .... His lovely brother who's always protective of him... His friends who support him .... And August...
He opened his eyes and August was standing before him.... With an expression he could never forget... He still remembers their first encounter... August messing up with him... Helping him in notes ... Taking care of him... Pranking him ... Then pacifying him... Their sweet bitter moments ... Their fights... August keeping pillows and cushions for him... Checking him at night...
August proposing him... Their first kiss ...
Rhythm smiled at August and started playing the instrument... He sang an emotional song between two lovers who were seperated due to circumstances
Everyone praised him for his song ... August kept his hand on his heart and began singing with Rhythm.... Rhtyhm played beautifully the instrument
"He's looking like a.. " win couldn't frame his words
"Fairy ... Fairy" August said "he's looking like a fairy from the heaven who came to the earth and made everything calm"
"His sweet little voice is more sweeter than sugar.... He makes my heart flatter everytime I see him " August said
Eddy patted his shoulder and said "you're in love... August you're in love"
Rhythm completed his song and danced on the traditional chinese song.... For this he needed a partner and August wore his traditional outfit and went up the stage....
August bowed before him
"Can I ?"
"Thank you " Rhythm said as he gave his hand to August
August put his hand around Rhythm and Rhythm started dancing on the tunes... He remembered the steps taught to him by August... His steps were basic but quick even in the costume .. at last August took Rhythm in his arms and they strike a beautiful pose... Till the music was gone
Everyone including the judges too got up and clapped for them... August slowly put Rhythm down and hugged him
"You did it cub... You did it " he said
"Only because of you !" Rhythm exclaimed
"You're so beautiful cub " he said
August got down from the stage and stood beside Eddy and win... Rhythm was waiting for the decision
"We're happy to announced that you're selected too " the judges announced
"Thank you mam and sirs " Rhythm said
"You have a very good voice and your stage presence is so captivating " the male judge said
"Thank you sir " Rhythm said
"You've a different aura my son.. we wish you the luck" the female judge said
Rhythm thanked them all and got down from the stage...
August and win took him outside... They were chatting and giggling but Rhythm told them to stop... August wanted to ask him about his love acceptance but he didn't want to disturb Rhythm too so he was quiet
"Hey what happened?" Eddy asked
"I want to say something" Rhythm shouted and everyone looked at them
"Yeah but why are you shouting like this" win said
Rhythm turned towards August and took his hand in his
Eddy whispered to Win " he's going to propose him "
Win and Eddy hugged each other and win took out his cellphone... Everyone was whispering about them and Rhythm finally spoke
"I love you August.... "
He took August's hand in his and kissed it
"Will you be my boyfriend?"
"He proposed" win said excitedly
August looked around everyone and all of them were cheering for them...some were shouting him to accept it... Others were making noises... Eddy and win were crying seeing them
He looked at Rhythm and Rhythm repeated again
"Will you be my boyfriend?"
August pulled Rhythm Towards him and hold his waist
"I'll be your boyfriend Rhythm... I love you .. I've already accepted you as my boyfriend"
As he completed his sentence Rhythm pulled August towards him and kissed him... August was shocked at first but when Rhythm bite his lips...he kissed him back
Everyone around them shouted and threw colourful papers and flowers on them... Finally after a minute they broke the kiss.... Rhythm was too shy to look anywhere so he hid behind August feeling embarassed... Everyone was cheering for them
"Hey Rhythm you're so cool you kissed him here " win said
Rhythm hid behind August
"Hey don't tease him he's my boyfriend now " August snapped
He hold Rhythm's hand and Rhythm looked into his eyes
"Let's run " he said
Rhythm nodded and Both of them ran towards the gate... They rode on August's bike and went away...
"Where are we going"? Rhythm asked
"To your favourite place ,hold me tight"
August said and Rhythm hugged him from behind... They rode away and soon they reached August's house... As soon as Rhythm saw his house... He quickly got down from the bike and ran inside... He took the key under the plant and unlocked his house
"You know where the key is !" August exclaimed
"Father told me this " Rhythm smiled wickedly as he went inside...
"Naughty kitty " August said
"Tell your uncle today we're gonna have a party so you're going to stay here... " August said
Rhythm Nodded and informed his uncle about his selection and that his staying at August's house... August ordered some giveaway for both of them
"Do you want to take a bath first or do you want to eat first ?" August asked
"Eat first " Rhythm said happily showing his dimples
"Little cub , you're very naughty" he said snacking his butt and squeezing it
"I'm not " Rhythm said showing his tongue
August kissed him on his lips and Rhythm kissed him back... He slipped his hands on August's shirt and touched his back... August was ruffling his hair and kissed him on his collar bone... towards his chest but he stopped..he wanted to do more but he stopped himself
"Come lets eats baby " August said
And Rhythm fixed his hair and followed him ..
August was staring at Rhythm and Rhythm was staring back at him...
"I want it " August said
"I'm not gonna give it to you " Rhythm said
"Let me have it " August said with determination
"You can't have it " Rhythm said on the top of his lungs
August was about to pick up tha last chicken nugget... But Rhythm hit his fork on the table... August was so scared that he backed off
"If you're going to use violence I'll be scared na " he said rubbing his eyes
"What's mine is mine "
Rhythm said and picked up the nugget and ate it happily ... August took out a box of pizza....
"This have equal share so we wouldn't fight "
"I'm not fighting " Rhythm said innocently
They both laugh at each other and enjoyed their food
After eating Rhythm helped August in cleaning up the mess ... And August took out two couple night wear for both of them... And taking a sniff of both the new clothes.. Rhythm giggled at his gesture
"What.. I brought them specially for us... This capybara is yours and this crocodile is mine "
He said excitedly showing them to Rhythm .. Rhythm took a sniff of the dress and smiled
"I love the smell of new clothes"
August sat beside him and exclaimed.. "i was thinking I was the only one who like it "
Rhythm said I don't know I like wired smells like the smell of soil after first rain, petrol , incense sticks ... Freshly baked cookies "
August was listening to him carefully and Rhythm kept on talking August would only nod ... Then August touched the cheek of Rhythm and Rhythm looked at him
"I like the smell of yours " he said
Rhythm widened his eyes and his ears turned red ... August quickly withdrew his hand back and got up
Rhythm too got up
"You can take a bath... I'll wait here... Those are your clothes" August said pointing to the clothes
Rhythm nodded and went towards the bathroom.. he stopped in his track and turned behind.... August was smiling looking at the night dress...
Rhythm thought for a moment and called
August looked at Rhythm and Rhythm looked down ... And played with his finger and asked politely
"Do you want to take a bath with me, please ?"
He raised his eyes and august blinked his eyes...
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