Minjin made her way to Myeongdong, her steps quickening with excitement as she entered a store filled with K-pop albums and Korean drama OSTs.
The atmosphere inside was electric, buzzing with energy and enthusiasm. Shelves were lined with colorful album covers, posters of idols, and rows of CDs glimmering under the store lights.
She felt like she had stepped into a small piece of heaven, her eyes wide with wonder as she browsed through the displays. Her fingers traced over the names of her favorite artists, and she couldn’t help but smile, feeling a rush of joy as she soaked in the vibrant ambiance.
Minjin browsed the shelves filled with Korean drama OSTs, her eyes scanning for a particular CD. After a few moments of searching, she spotted the Lovely Runner album and felt a surge of happiness.
She reached for it, but just as her fingers touched the case, another hand reached out at the same moment.
Minjin turned to find herself face-to-face with Han Aera.
"I saw it first," Minjin declared quickly.
"No, I saw it first," Han Aera countered.
Their hands both gripped the album, neither willing to let go. A brief tug-of-war began, and the album was caught between them.
"I need it as a gift for my cousin," Han Aera insisted.
"I’m buying it for myself," Minjin replied.
"Daehaksaeng, I am older than you, so you must let me have it." Han Aera argued as she tightened her grip.
Minjin slightly opened her lips in disbelief, "D-daehaksaeng? Agasshi, how old do you think I am?"
Han Aera looked at her from head to foot. "You look like you're in your early 20s."
Minjin could not help but stifle a laugh. "I'll take that as a compliment, agasshi."
Han Aera looked confused. "Aniya?" She asked to confirm and observed her again.
Minjin narrowed her eyes playfully. “Why don’t we let the universe decide who gets it?"
“Deal,” Han Aera agreed without hesitation.
Minjin reached into her wallet and pulled out a coin. "I'll choose heads," she said confidently before flipping the coin into the air.
It spun for a moment before she caught it, slapping it onto the back of her hand. She slowly revealed it—it was heads.
"Sorry, I won," Minjin said with a triumphant smile on her face.
Another older woman came behind Han Aera, "Aera-ah, did you find what you're looking for?"
Han Aera sighed but released her hold on the album. “This daehaksaeng had the album first."
The woman glanced at Minjin.
“Gamsahamnida, agasshi.” Minjin bowed her head politely with a smile before she left them.
"Ya, she's a student. She deserves to have it. Let's go. I have to attend to my patients." The woman said.
Han Aera couldn't take her eyes off Minjin with irritation.
Minjin had been keeping a low profile for months, despite regularly attending her checkups with Dr. Jung, continuing her Taekwondo training, and taking Korean culinary classes.
She sat in the clinic's waiting area, surrounded by soft-colored walls and the gentle hum of soothing music. Her gaze drifted to the couples nearby—expectant mothers with their rounded bellies, their husbands seated beside them.
As the minutes passed, Minjin found herself looking up each time the examination room door opened. Finally, the secretary called her name, and she rose promptly.
When she stepped inside the consultation room, she halted briefly as her eyes met those of the doctor seated behind the desk. A flicker of recognition crossed both their faces, catching them off guard.
"You were the daehaksaeng earlier," the doctor remarked.
Minjin bowed respectfully. "Annyeong haseyo, seonsaengnim."
The doctor chuckled lightly. "Please, have a seat, daehaksaeng."
Minjin dipped her head slightly before sitting down across from her.
"I'm Dr. Jang Harin. How can I assist you today?"
"Seonsaengnim, I’m not a student anymore. My name is Park Minjin," she clarified.
Dr. Jang reviewed the assessment paper, her eyes widening in surprise. "Y-you’re 33 years old?"
Minjin offered a sheepish smile. "Ne. I didn’t mean to mislead your friend. She assumed I was a student."
Dr. Jang chuckled before glancing back at Minjin. "You look so… wait." She lowered her gaze to the paper again, rereading the information.
After a brief pause, she looked back at Minjin, her expression shifting from surprise to shock as she tried to maintain her composure. "Are you, by any chance, the Park Minjin? It says here that you’re a doctor."
Minjin smiled awkwardly. "Ne, seonsaengnim. I’m Park Minjin, the physicist."
Dr. Jang immediately stood up, covering her mouth with her hand. "Omo, gyusonim, I sincerely apologize for not recognizing you!" She bowed repeatedly in apology.
Minjin quickly stood as well, bowing in return. "It’s alright, seonsaengnim. I actually prefer not to be recognized."
Dr. Jang gestured respectfully for Minjin to sit again. "Please, have a seat, gyusonim."
Once Dr. Jang sat down, Minjin followed.
Turning back to the medical file, Dr. Jang skimmed through it before speaking again. "You were diagnosed with PCOS five years ago. How has your menstrual cycle been, gyusonim?"
Their conversation shifted to a more clinical discussion, covering Minjin’s irregular periods, her history of sexual activity, and whether she had ever considered pregnancy. They also talked about her use of hormonal pills, which were commonly prescribed to regulate her cycle and for contraception.
Dr. Jang had also asked her if she had been taking other medication and if she had been stressed. Minjin openly told her medications for her PTSD. There was shock in Jang Harin's eyes, but she kept it professional, asking her for more details.
She then asked her if Minjin had been experiencing other symptoms. She informed Minjin that moods could be highly affected by hormonal imbalances. However, before they proceeded, Dr. Jang recommended an ultrasound before determining whether she should continue with the same medication or switch to a different prescription.
At the end of the consultation, Minjin stood and bowed. "Gamsahamnida, seonsaengnim."
Dr. Jang rose as well, walking her to the door.
"Could you apologize to your friend for me?" Minjin asked.
Dr. Jang chuckled softly. "No need, gyusonim. You do look quite young in person."
Minjin smiled awkwardly and bowed once more. "I’ll take my leave now, seonsaengnim. Thank you for your care."
Dr. Jang returned the bow. "It was my pleasure, gyusonim. I’ll see you next week."
Minjin offered one last bow before stepping out into the waiting area.
As she left, the secretary hurried over to Dr. Jang. "Seonsaengnim, that was the Park Minjin, wasn’t it?"
Dr. Jang smiled warmly. "She seems like a very kind person to me."
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