The wolf Luis had killed with the dagger had been unexpected for him. In the moment wanting to help the Lynx to get the blessing his adrenaline had not made him realize what he did.
When Luis and Sera followed the Lynx it didn't immediately go to the wolves' camp. It spent the next 8 days slowly picking up small groups of wolves with Luis and Sera, maximum numbering four, then heading back to camp and repeating.
Unlike before when Luis had killed the wolf with the dagger though. He was hesitating now, while Sera and the Lynx moved tirelessly, like this was usual business for them.
Every time they encountered a lone wolf or pairs of lone wolves now Luis hesitated. He didn't want to put a dagger into a living being. Unlike the golems, the wolves showed more emotions and intelligence, which made Luis more compassionate towards them. The thought of killing the wolves made him feel uneasy. His strikes wouldn't be accurate, he wouldn't channel aura properly.
It was on the second night after the Lynx would go hunting lone wolves with Sera and Luis that Sera called Luis out on what he was doing.
They had found a lone wolf drinking from a stream in a clearing. Sera patted the Lynx and put her hand in front of it from stopping it from going forward. She looked at Luis "Kill it, Luis"
Luis gripped the daggers in both his hands, slowly moving forward, the blessing activating making small arcs of electricity appear around his body periodically. He felt his speed double.
However, Luis didn't move fast enough the wolf turned to face Luis. Luis knew that the wolf was dangerous and that it would kill him, but he believed in this situation his life wasn't in danger making him hesitate. He knew the wolves would keep fighting with the Lynx and kill more but he still couldn't bring himself to do it he couldn't kill a living being, especially when he was not in danger.
It seemed as though the wolf's instinct sensed his hesitation, it lunged at him, but Luis barely dodged its claws even with his blessing. Before the wolf could attack again Luis struck it not in any vital spots, just surface-level wounds. The wolf tried to attack again but Luis did the same and more surface-level wounds.
Luis kept doing this until the wolf decided to run away. But before it could even run 5 meters away Sera appeared In front of it kicking it towards Luis's feet, the wolf whined in pain, until it got knocked out by the pain from the aura kick.
Sera started at Luis with sharp eyes her tone firm. "Luis, what was that? Why are you letting it live, you have the upper hand, you could have finished it many times."
Not being able to look into her eyes, he spoke in a whisper his voice barely coming out "It feels wrong to kill the wolf"
Sera sighed as she walked closer. "Luis listen to me, you are protecting the Lynx right now and if you hesitate to kill the wolves, they might retreat and then regroup and come together to attack. We are not getting blessings just for fun okay, your parents should have told you what the fate of your future will be if you're not strong enough, right"
Luis nodded
Crouching head level to Luis speaking in a kind tone. "Luis it is not bad to be compassionate, I understand that you think it's wrong to kill it when the wolf hasn't done anything to you, but right now hesitation will get you killed. It is not a weakness to have compassion, there's actually a low amount of people who are good-hearted enough to have compassion for others, but you need to have it in the right situation. Your hesitation right now will not only put you in danger but everyone else, remember that okay? It's fine for today and tomorrow I will kill the wolves with the Lynx but you will still fight I want you to take this time to think over it okay, for now, it looks like the Lynx still plans to hunt more wolves for the next few days."
The next eight days were grueling for Luis. Each time they hunted a wolf it was a test for him, a test for him to overcome his doubts and hesitations. He had to act decisively. Sera would leave a wolf for Luis after the third day for him to kill, the daggers still felt like they weighed more whenever he went for the kill, but as each day passed the weight on his dagger felt less and less.
After 8 days, it seemed as though the Lynx had thought it was time to go after the main wolf camp. Luis wasn't sure if the Lynx knew that he had become less hesitant in killing or not but Luis knew he would be able to fight against the wolves in the main camp. Before that though the Lynx went back to its camp and took a 2 day rest before waking Luis and Sera up and making them follow it again.
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