I knew that I would never forget him and all he had taught me but I did wonder what the gift he spoke of was. Would I really never be alone again?
Creator’s pov:
I sat under the tree watching the petals fall from above. My time was coming soon and I knew that this would be the end for me and the beginning for her. Suddenly, I felt a warm embrace and I heard a voice that I had known since birth. “Hello little brother.” I looked up to see the girl from my dreams only this time I knew who I was talking to. “Sister is that you?” She smiled and nodded holding out a hand out to me. I took it without hesitation and felt myself take the form of a child.
It felt so nice to once again be with my sister. “Come on I’ll show you the light. Mom and Dad are here and they have been waiting to see you.” I smiled and nodded tears in my eyes as I walked by her side to the bright light in front of me. On the other side, I could see a bunch of smiling warm faces. I took a look over my shoulder before I passed through and saw the house where Rin and I had spent all of our time together. I smiled once more and whispered. “I leave her in your care Len. Please watch out for Rin.”
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