A red button gave off a faint glow as I held my hand over it. I was wondering if I should push the button and wake the sleeping boy. I thought this over for a while weighing my options for a bit and then deciding to hit the button, I let my hand drop down. There was a loud noise and a cloud of smoke as the door opened up and the boy lay there so close I could feel the cold air that surround him. Slowly and carefully I placed my hand over his heart and watched as his chest started to rise and fall with each breath.
Len’s pov:
I took in a deep breath feeling my lungs expand as air filled them. Then I opened my eyes squinting at the bright light that I was seeing now for the first time. In front of me stood a girl who looked just like me only a little bit taller. “Hi…” she spoke up and looked into my eyes. Her eyes were a pretty vibrant blue color, the color of a night sky filled with stars. “Hi.” I spoke in a dreamy tone as I got lost in the sight of her. “My name is Rin I suppose I am to be your sister.” She spoke with the voice of an angel.
I frowned a bit at the word “sister”. I didn’t want her to be my sister I wanted her to be more to me. I wanted her to say that she loved me the way I loved her. I knew I had just meet her but I felt like I was made to be her other half. “Rin is a pretty name, my name is Len. Is the creator around do you know?” She gave me a sad look as she shook her head no. “I see, so the master has already left this world.” She nodded again and I took off the wires that were attached to me and I took my first step stumbling a little bit here and their. “Easy Len you were just activated so you still have a lot to get used to.” I smiled at the fact that she cared about me.
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