I sighed as I walked to lunch. I was caught off guard by my best friend Jason as he snuck up behind me hugging me tight. "HEY YOU!!!" he shouted in my ear causing me to wince in a bit. I struggled to get out of his grip but when I did I turned around to face him a smile on my face. "Hey Jason. What's new?" He put on his thinking face making me laugh. "New New New?" He kept on saying well he thought about my question. "nothing is new that I know of. Wait did you get a hair cut?" I gave him a weird look. "No I meant what's new in your life." He laughed patting my back. "I know I was just messing with you!"
I gave him and unsure smile before taking my food and walking back to my table. "Hey where are you going Kelly!!!" I laughed. "I'm going to my table to eat my lunch want to join me Jason?" he shrugged and walked along with me. On my way to my table to spotted Alex siting in the back my his self. I smiled. "Not today Alex..." I thought setting my stuff down on the table. "Hey Jason do me a favor and watch my food I'll be right back." I said as I started to walk away. I chuckled looking back at Jason who seemed to be caught off guard by my sudden request.
It didn't take me long to reach his table and sit down across form him. "Hey Alex." I said making him jump. "O....It's you..." He said with a glum look on his face. "Yeah I noticed you where siting by your self and wanted to know if you would like to sit over their with me and my friend Jason. He's really nice." I said pointing my table and waving at Jason who waved back at me with a big goofy grin on his face. Alex looked over at the table I pointed at. "I'm good...." he said looking back down and playing with his food. I sighed knowing that their was no point in fighting with him. "Okay fine. Well if you change your mind where right over their." I said as I walked away taking one last glance at him I saw that their was a smirk on his face of a little while. I got all happy at that moment knowing that smirk was thanks to me.
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