Narrator: After turning in the Bandits to the local authorities in a small town, the boys then received their reward money and decide to head back Genesis to call it a night today.
Narrator: Everyone once in awhile, the boys usually collect spoils from a mission and will either keep or sell the certain spoil, depending on it's worth.
(Max and Blake are walking on the sidewalk waving at some of the citizens they come across, showing how recognizable they are.)
Blake: I feel like we got lopped off, those guys shouldn't have cost 4000 pounds.
Max: It's "Ripped off"... I dunno bud, their price was a little higher than that last time I checked, but money is money.
(The boys come across an item shop)
Max: You coming in?
Blake: I'll wait, there's something I wanna get from the gas station over here.
Max: But they have candy and snacks in here too.
Blake: No way, I'm not taking any chances... I heard they have witch that own that place, so I'm gonna steer clear.
Blake: Try not to buy anything while you're at it. (Walks off)
(Confused by Blake's reply, Max just forgets about it and heads inside the shop.)
Max: (Scoffs)
Jack & Trades Item Shop
Info: Similar to a pawn shop, it's mostly used for trading things in exchange for money or other items for sale , things like magic items and weaponry have high prices.
(Inside the shop a girl close to her early twenties is seen scanning an Axe)
Jasmine: This thing is below average in terms of power, the worth is 65 pound.
Max: I thought it would be lower than that, deal.
Jasmine: You're a friend of my dad right?
He's a cop, big ugly dude, grumpy face?
Max: Oh Mr. Mae-Mae? Yeah, somewhat, but he's friends with a close friend of mine who's also a cop.
Max: You think your dad's ugly?
Jasmine: He's not TOO ugly, but I definitely didn't get my good looks from him.
Max: (Laughs) Can't argue with that.
Jasmine: Here you go, it was nice to have a chat with our local superhero.
Max: Ah,I'm far from being that, but nice chatting with you too, Jasmine.
(Before Max takes his leave Jasmine notices something off about the axe)
Jasmine: Wait a minute, is this duct tape!?
Max: No returns necessary, says so on the banner, BYE!
(Max power walks through the door)
Jasmine: Hey!
( A woman in her mid 20's with green hair wearing dorky glasses is seen in the background cleaning the shelves with a feather duster
Maya: Once again, you let one get away.
Jasmine: No thanks to you!
Maya: But don't worry, axe type M-Tools are said to be very fragile, with little power to match.
Max: It may not be much, but it at least I earned a lot for turning in those cocky bandits.
(Suddenly a pre-teen boy no more than 12 crashes into Max's groin)
Blake: (Frantic) Max, Max! You okay?
(Max grabs Blake by the collar of his shirt and pulls him down to his level while he's on one knee)
Max: (Wry) I was until you rammed into me like a bull, you little munchkin...What's up?
Blake: Bikers, they're after me!
Max: What'd you do?
Max: Tip over their bikes?
Blake: Yeah...
Max: Seriously?
(A group of bikers ride forward and circle around the two boys)
(The big hairy Biker sporting shades by the name of Bess hops of his bike and stares down the boys)
Bess: Didn't think we'd catch up with ya, didn't you little man?
Max: Look I'm pretty sure whatever my student did was an accident. He's my responsibility so you can take-
Bess: Oh no, skinny bean, you guys are apparently new so I'll fill you in on what we do around here.
Blake: Besides getting drunk and dri-
(Max covers Blake's mouth)
Bess: When someone tips over a warthog's bike, that leads to an automatic bone fracture.
Max: Well how about you let us off with a warning, seeing's how we're "New" in town?
Bess: That is the warnin'...(Pulls out chain) Get em boys!
(Biker2 charges in to grapple Max but he simply moves aside and low kicks him in the shin causing him to crash face first into the bike.)
(Blake elbows Biker3 in the stomach then flips him over.)
Bess: Son of a...!
(Bess runs in on Max but he circles around Bess somehow removing his belt)
(Bess's pants fall to his knees but before he can pull them up Max whips Bess's bottom from behind making him pop up and yell in pain)
(Bess then turns around only to make things worse as Max quickly whips him in the groin making him scream at the top of his lungs and trips over his bike)
(Moments later the boys have the bikers stacked in a pile)
Max: (Saying I'm new?) (More like the other way around.)
Blake: Was that last part necessary?
Max: Was tipping over their bikes necessary?
Blake: It was ACCIDENT.
(And Angel's halo appears on top of Blake's head giving Max the puppy dog eyes .)
Max: Well either way it can't be helped now.
Max: (Chuckles) But I'll admit, that part where I made Hulk Hogan right here scream like a fat lady in an opera, really made my day.
Blake: You're welcome, I guess?
Max: So in the meantime 50 sit-ups.
Blake: What?
Max: When we get back.
Blake: What?
Max: With your belt tied around your ankles.
Blake: What!?
(Blake's halo crumbles apart.)
Max: Don't gimme that look, consider it your punishment.
Blake: You said you enjoyed it!
Max: Yup I did...
Max: But this makes it even better, plus I think my sword could use some polishing.
Blake: Ok, it's on!
(Blake runs ahead of Max)
Max: What's your hurry?
Blake: I'll do it but afterwards we're pillow wrestling for tonight's training!
Max: You're goin' down munchkin. After I'm done, I'll show you a real sleeper hole!
(I hope he knows I still have the key while he's running off like that.)
Max: Blake, tie your shoes.
Max: Blake, tie your shoes.
Max: Shoes, Blake... Blake, your sho-
(Blake trips his shoelace and falls to the ground.)
Max: See, what happens when you don't listen.
Blake: I didn't hear you.
(Unbeknownst to them two dark figures spot the boys from a rooftop)
To Be Continued.
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