"He's gone, most likely to Engelica. I'm sorry, there's nothing we can do. His fate is in the hands of powers beyond our control now." stated the Police Commissioner, awkwardly patting Melissa Jackson's shoulder as if that combined with a 'we gave it our all' could bring her son back. She looked back at him with utter hate in her eyes as she swatted his hand away.
"Don't-" she paused, to take a breath in between furious and sorrowful sobs. "Touch me!"
"If it's any consolation-" It wouldn't be. "Your son is now the most important human on Earth. He is the Decider. You should be proud." The Commissioner immediately regretted saying that. You should never tell a grieving mother to not worry, her child being taken from was alright, BECAUSE he is now important. He was silently wondering if he would leave this room not severely injured.
"I would be a prouder mother if I had my child back!" screamed Melissa and stormed out of the Police HQ and to the street, where her husband (but not her lover), Stephen Jackson (he had taken her name) was waiting patiently in their car. When Melissa approached and got in he jolted out of a grief-induced haze.
"What did they say?" asked Stephen cautiously through tear-blurred eyes. Before she answered he started the car and drove away, merging onto the FL-205 Freeway.
"The same thing as the last 100 times! It's like they don't even care about our missing child, only about the Prophecy of the Decider!" Melissa had been told about the Prophecy, everyone had. One child would be chosen as the Decider, and, as the name suggests, decide a very important problem. Melissa, like billions of other parents, had pushed off the warning saying, "It won't happen to me."
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