Abbigale and Samual returned to the shore line Jamiey sat on the raft with Melody's lifeless body he had now floated in the water still holding her tightly “I’m so sorry Melody I thought I could save you…I just I Couldn’t Repay you for saving me… I’m sorry, but maybe you’re happy up there with your parents and all…Goodbye Melody My love” he told her pressing a tiny little kiss to her lips and letting her body fall into the water and he broke down into tears Until, Melody popped her head out of the water pressing a tiny kiss to his lips in return “hello Jamiey” she giggled
“Melody?” he asked very unsure uncovering his eyes “Melody!” he screamed happily hugging her “but –but how?” he stuttered crying tears of joy
“It seals it with a kiss, I worked that out when I healed you” she smiled snuggling her head into his neck
“But you were dead… I didn’t think you could come back” he said very unsure
“She let me return” she smiled
“She?” he asked
“she” she smiled looking up to the purple sky as the sun was setting “she said it was for being the last of my bloodline, but I like to think it was for you” she giggled sitting with him
“So you heard me?” he asked very, very scared
“Every word” she giggled giving his lips another little kiss
“Oh Melody” she smiled happily picking her up and spinning her around as he hugged her as soon as he put her back on the raft they pushed it carefully over to the air ship with Samual and Abbigale
“How the-“she began “you know what… I’m not going to bother asking” she laughed
“Great so we are going to the castle… come on then hurry up unless anyone else would like to die and come back” Samual said rather mad
“Well… I have got a little something to do Abbi I could use your help” Melody asked so Abbigale laughed giving them a bubble of air Jamiey swallowed it before Melody took his hand and dragged him down to the city with her the two swimming around the fish and the old walls of the city as all the other people had now been set free and where about the city like they normally would till Melody lead him to her town in the castle sitting on her bed looking out the window at the fish and people all about the place just as he sore the moon rise from the water it so huge and close under water he tried to say something in shock but a large amount of air came out making him panic causing Melody to giggle as she held his hand tighter and rested her head on his shoulder watching the moon.
Meanwhile Samual and Abbigale sat on the ship waiting for them to return “what do you think there up to?” Samual asked
“They just found out they love each other and Melody just came back from the dead… give them some space Sam” she replied
“I guess” he sighed going and sitting beside Abbigale
“Well as they are clearing not going to be changing their minds anytime soon I guess that leaves us” he shrugged
“I guess it does… I never had any Interest in Jamiey Anyway Sam” she smiles giving his cheek a little kiss
“I never had any kind of Interest in Melody” he smiled giving her lips a kiss in return the two sat for a while kissing until they heard the sound of water and quickly separated as Jamiey and Melody came back
“Well off to the castle then” Abbigale smiled beginning to take off Samual sat on and Box of supplies fairly close to Abbigale as she drove the ship Jamiey Laid on a blanket at the other end of the ship with Melody’s head on his stomach their hands together their finger’s Intertwined Melody was occasionally sitting up to give him little kisses which we would instantly return as they giggled playing with each other’s fingers until Melody sat up from Jamiey’s arms “what’s the matter Mel?” he asked her
“I miss my hair” she said sadly still running her hand though where her hair had been cut
“Oh Melody don’t worry it will grow back” he told her
“it’s not that…My hair was a part of me Never been cut so much a part of my soul and it’s just gone, I feel so cold and empty” she replied sadly as she looked down at the water far below them “and I look awful without it” she sighed
“Oh Melody” he said so sad to see her upset wrapping his arms around her tightly “your still you without your hair, it’s still you all the things you’ve done and all the things you’ve learnt there in your mind, in your soul they’re not in your hair” he told her making her crack a tiny smile “and you’re still beautiful to me” he told her taking off his glove as he moved a strand of hair back from her face and behind her ear and letting a large blue flower grow by her hair keeping her hair out of her face and pressing a tiny kiss to her cheek making her smile widely
“thank you Jamiey” she smiled giving his lips a tiny kiss and pulling away he gave her lips a tiny kiss to before they laid back together on the blanket before they eventually fell asleep on each other After a while Abbigale set the ship on its course and let the controls to sit with Samual both of them falling asleep on each other as well.
When they woke they were on the ground the ship had landed more correctly crashed with no one at the controls the ship crashed into the forbidden lands “Is everyone alright?” Abbigale asked as everyone woke up and gathered a few things Samual stood and nodded just looking over himself he had only a small gash in his face from the crash as well as a small rip in the arm of his jacket Abbigale only had her hair a mess and a small split in her lip as well as a forming bruise on her right hand Melody seemed fine with only the bottom hem of her outer dress slightly ripped and fraying she must have been protected so close into Jamiey’s arms when they crashed Jamiey had only a few little cuts in his shirt and a couple in his pants his hair out of its normal place and a small cut in his cheek
“well looks like we’re continuing on foot” Abbigale told them so everyone gathered there things packing their belongings into their packs trying their best to not leave anything behind unless it was Non-essential and began walking towards the palace of Mina’s, city of the lost and grave of the Great King of Elia. They determined it wouldn’t take them long to reach the now abandoned and renamed city of the lost it would take them little over an hour to reach the outskirts of the city tot here it was just empty land as if the Goddess had simply erased all that was once there leaving nothing but the empty land Melody walked with Abbigale and Samual in front of them and Jamiey behind them as they chatted “do you think those two will ever get along?” she asked referring of course to Jamiey and Samual
“I don’t think so Abbi, earth and fire have a natural distaste for one another” Melody explained
“I know, maybe after a while in the castle they will” Abbigale suggested after a while of more walking and chatting they reached the out Limits of the city everywhere where the remains of burnt homes, overgrown gardens, flooded streets and vacant buildings all over where over turned carts and such like buried by time and sand everything looked like nothing had touched it in years they all began to wonder curious as no one had been here since the time of the four Blessed children Abbigale wondered to a half demolished home seeing the burned blankets on the beds, the paintings destroyed only the metal frames remaining the food in cupboards had been turned to dust and she sore that the stove that was to be heating a pot full of food now dust was still turned on as if dinner was cooking and the table forks and plates still laid there one the set much smaller and the chair much higher from the ground designed for a small child the table set for the whole family everything now dust. Samual found an old building Overcome with weed’s and ivy Inside where wooden desks and a large wooden board with some very faded words on it each desk had the same things on it paper now turned to nothing but faded dust and little pen pots the ink now dried to the sides of the glass tinting it either blue or black a school everything left and abandoned. Jamiey found a small tipped over cart with gems and other metal rusted by water everything from little bracelet’s to huge gem incrusted rings all left to rust. Melody kept to the track of the street the stone work buried in sand until she sore a little thing in the sand she knelt down picking it up pulling it out of the sand a little doll a small ragdoll with a cute little green dress and light blue hair as well as little yellow shoes and dark red button eyes she brushed the sand away from it and put it in a little pocket in her back pack so the dolls head and arms where still out eventually they all came back together and continued down the empty streets as they got closer to the palace Jamiey stood with Melody and Abbigale just in front of Samual the remains of a battle all around them the burnt market stalls now slightly covered with sand and mold covered wood of builds been worn away by water and what was once growing vegetation and live giving materials covered in weeds and ivy "an evil happened here it looks so recent" Abbigale said
"The battle here happened a long time ago Abbi, even if it looks recent" Jamiey told her
"And we all know who began that war" Samual said bluntly
"Oh and who was that then Samual?" Jamiey asked sounding UN happy already
"Obviously the earth lot, the sword that killed the king was made in the earth colony in Valentina" Samual spitted
"It was the time of peace everywhere had Valentinan swords" Jamiey told him
"Maybe so but it doesn’t detour from the obvious of a earthican slain the king" Samual yelled
"Watch your mouth" Jamiey said coming closer to Samual
"Why should I, I would be better watching your earth boy else your find a fireball in it" Samual threatened
"Oh please you couldn’t it me if I was two inches in front of you, not moving and the size of a house" Jamiey taunted
"Really, at least I can shoot, go back to your woods flower boy" Samual told him
"I swear to goddess Samual one more word" Jamiey spitted
"Traitors, murders, cowards and in breads" Samual yelled
"YOU BASTARD!" Jamiey said the two now begin to physically fight before Abbigale pulled Samual back and Melody pulled Jamiey back and she hugged him tightly
"oh typical of earth boys, hiding behind little miss fish, she won’t fight all your battles for you earth boy, that is unless you are of course plugging her water filled fish vagina with your withered old dead dick" Samual shouted Melody held out her hand and trapped him within a bubble of water
"Melody! Stop he'll drown" Abbigale shouted but Melody didn’t stop
"Mel...he’s not worth it” Jamiey told her and she dropped him letting him choke and Abbigale rushed to his side to help him up Jamiey and Melody then turned to continue walking but Samual fired a ball of fire from his hand at Melody Jamiey sore it and threw dirt from his hands to knock it away from Melody it did knock it away and sent it back towards Samual But Abbigale deflected it with her air unfortunately both the earth and air had now mixed in the flame Abbigale shot it back to Jamiey but Melody pushed it away with her water and it stopped hovering in Midair all the elements mixing together into a purple bubble and then crashing to the ground and cracking the earth itself when the bubble dissipated and there was a crystal a large purple crystal in the ground “what the?" Jamiey asked
"No idea? Abbi?" Melody asked thinking if anyone would know it would be Abbigale
"Not the slightest idea, but let’s take it with us anyway" she replied
"I’ll take it" Samual said rather defensively taking the crystal and putting it in his backpack. and all four continued along the pathway until at last they reached the castle of the minas and they reached the door it was a huge door of darkened wood with four door handles Samual went up to it and tried to push it open but he failed Melody stepped back from Jamiey’s arm to notice an inscription above the handles "viam pacis non omne clausum"
"the way is shut to any not at peace" Melody read before placing her hand on one of the handles and it glowed a deep blue the water flowing into the lettering above the door Abbigale took another it glowing a pure white and yellow her air going into the lettering and mixing with Melody’s water Jamiey tried but it didn’t do anything neither did Samual’s
"I don’t understand" Jamiey said rather confused
"The way is shut to any not at peace" Abbigale repeated "the way is shut to the two not at peace" she explained to them
"I would rather die" Samual spitted
"For goddess sake Samual, after this you can go straight back to hating me for whatever known reason you have, But I'm willing to put it aside" Jamiey explained
"AND A FREOENTI KILLED MINE" Jamiey screamed back
And everyone stood speechless
"now neither of us are happy about this but we have to get used to it" Jamiey told him the two sighed before finally they shook hands and made peace before hey each held a handle their elements combining within the lettering forming more of the purple crystal and opening the doors.
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