I walk out the door into the main part of the flat
and the theam is still going everthing is still white as I wonder to the kitchen area I can see my dad a man rather like me not much to really look at quiet big with brown hair dressed in white overalls obviously ready to go to work he was sat up the table eating a white block that I knew tasted of toast next to him on the table was my mother a rather pretty woman very unlike me in both look and personality but she did have long brown hair like me she was sat in a white knee lengh dress she also was ready to work on the other side of the table facing away from me was obviously Thomas’s dad he was dressed in white overall’s to drinking a white cup of tea obviously deep in thought as soon as my father see’s me he speeks
“morning y/n” he say’s
“morning dear” my mother say’s
“morning y/n, how’s my son this morning?” Thomas’ father says as I walk to the table stading over it looking for something to eat this morning
“morning mum, morning daddy, morning Thomas’s fine still driving me insane” I relpy as a steal a bit of white toast from my father and start eating it
“why whats he done now” Thomas’ Father asks
“well he’s keeping me up all night with his snoreing and his untidyness is really starting to anoy me” I reply
“well we all wish we could help but you have to get use to him dear after next month you two will only be allowed one bed in there and you two are matched anyway your gonna have to learn to live with his imperfections” my mother says she has a point this is properbly another moment that needs some expliantion well the way our place works is that when you get to 19 you get matched with someone else and your stuck with them till you die it sucks it really does and because next month we would have been matched for nine months our flat gets ultered so we have to share a room and a bed the only reason we dont now is just becuase they give you time to adapt to each other but as either good luck or bad luck I got Thomas as my match the son of the other family we lived with so I was fairly used to him anyway and so becuase of the match and the problems with his family he had allready moved into my room but soon his bed would be taken from my room and I would officialy be stuck with him till death do us part literatly but if I was honest other than the few little problems I had with him I was happy I was matched with him I wouldnt go as far as my mother often sugested and say I loved him but I didnt dislike him that much for a moment my mind goes back to eight months ago to that day now pin pointed in my life
after a few seconds Thomas came out of our room in his white pijama’s he walks in and sits on the chair beside his father snapping me out of my memories I look at him for a second it was almsot funny looking at him and his dad both side by side it was obvious they where father and son the only real difference was the hair Thomas has his mothers blonde hair his father had hair that was orgianly brown but now grey from stress.
“whats everybody talking about” he asks casualy
“we where just discussing how you to are stuck together now” my mother giggled
“I know I’m stuck with her but I dont mind” he asnwered giving me a wink in the process I couldnt help but giggle it was clear neither of us where really confoterbal with being matched up together as we had know each other all our lives but I do see the point of putting us together the computer runs on logic so I guess if I was the computer I proberbly would have put us together but even thoguht it was obvious he tried to make me feel better about the match with little things like with the mirror and the wink he would often do little things like that to try and take a bit of the pressure of me I’m not a lovey dovey person no matter what you think it is I’m just not that sort of person it allways made me a little happier to see atleast one of us was trying at this
“so have you to set anything yet” my mother asked unlike Thomas with the slight trys and the suttleness of evething my mother was allways a little bit to follward with us but she would be my mother was a helpless romantic and having a daughter of course my mother wanted to get stuff all cute and perfect from the second we where matched
“no havent really thoguh about it yet” I reply
“well you should dear it should be allover your mind, first is match then moving in then wedding bells and children-”
“MUM, slow down a bit it’s been eight months were not in a hurry for this” I say cutting her of I can’t see myself but I’m sure I’m as white as a sheep I look at Thomas a second he looks pertrifried but she had a point we would have to eventully and most people I knew allready had there dates set in stone I hadnt even thoguht about the subject if honest I was trying to avoid it the best I could but leave it to my mother to bring it up
“well you should start thinking about it dear” I then zone out to some extend not really that interested in what she has to say thats soemthing with my mother I really didnt like they way she talked to me and Thomas about this even when she first found out
at that second both Thomas’s father and mine got up from there seats my father got up gave me and my mother kisses then walk towards the door Thomas’s father stood flufed up Thomas’s hair then walked of to the door they where off to work we wouldnt see them now for a few days a week at the most I didnt know where they worked its not my business so I didnt know plus when my dad did come home he never wanted to answer questions about it even when I was younger I took andrews seat at the table next to Thomas grabing another bit of white toast as my mother began to speech again “well on the topic of the next few weeks I think you should start some sort of idea on time scales and such” I of course began to zone out again this was going to be like most mornings with my mother her sitting and talking to us about this and that all romantic stuff we didnt have anyinterest in till my mother interupted me from the zone “are you two listening?”
we both looked as each other both realiseing we both zoned out and laughing my mother then bid us goodbye and walked of to the door to go to work as soon as she was gone the whole flat seemed to sit in scilence “so where’s your mum today” I ask him
“she’s still at work say’s she won’t be home till next week” he aswered
“okay” I say in reply this really was aqward
“so…. what are we gonna do today” he asks
“I dont know we have nothing to do today” I answer
“we could do what your mother said” he sugested
“nope” I snap in reply
“why not y/n we might as well we have nothing better to do plus if we do it will stop her complaining at us about it” he says
“true, okay fine after I have a shower” I say before getting up and walking into the bathroom where everthing is still white and I mean everthing thing the only thing not white was the water but that was clear and just mirrored the white of everything eles I steped into the white gleaming room and locked the door I then took of my white pijamas and steped into the white plastics shower letting the warm water hit me contiunuosly for what seemed like a lifetime I love showers it lets me shut my eyes and imagine I’m somewhere better unfortianly after a while these a knock at the door “y/n” Thomas shouts from the other side of the door but I can still only just hear him over the sounds of the shower
“WHAT?” I relpy
"OKAY FINE BUT HURRY UP” he shouts and from what I can hear walks away I anoyedly turn of the shower and slip into a towel to dry myself of with as soon as I’m dry I dress into a white knee lenght skirt and a white shirt I put the towel then around my neck to dry my hair some more before stepping out of the bathroom as I do I put my dirty clothes into the washing basket then walked back to my room where I found something different there was now only one bed in it Thomas was sat on the one bed smirking at me looking very pleased with himself
“what have you done?” I ask
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