With the war over with, Winston sat at his quarters at the Lunar base. He was in deep thought, reminiscing over the last couple of years events. The battles happening on Earth and on Luna had been troubling and he started to wonder if recalling Overwatch had been the right thing to do.
Doomfist was behind bars, the fist back in the museum and so far, the battles after the Omnic Crisis had subsided. There were still others to catch. Junkrat and Roadhog was still causing chaos down on Earth, but he knew the Police should be able to at least handle those, but maybe not catch - he was ready to send Soldier 76 and Tracer after them if they went overboard. His job right now was to help out the team at Luna to look out for possible trouble coming from space.
When the battles on Earth had subsided, scientists had discovered a huge problem. Omnics has taken refuge on Mars. Nobody was sure on why - or if they had any plans to retaliate on Earth or just stay on Mars in peace. Zenyatta had accompanied him to Luna, and Winston still hadn’t gotten used to his presence. Zen could move around quite silent, and so it had already happened quite a few times that he had been taken Winston by surprise when he was either in his thoughts or working, unaware of his surroundings. The scientists at the base had begun tease him, as some had seen the footage from the CCTV system and he had begun to grumble weather or not Zenyatta was doing this on purpose or totally unaware of it. He hadn’t heard of this happening to anyone else.
Winston trampled out in the kitchen in his own thoughts. Would it be possible to surprise, maybe even scare, Zenyatta? He was a machine and shouldn’t be able to feel anything, and even so, would it be possible to sneak up on him? He opened the refrigerator door, poured some milk and took a banana. When he closed the door and turned around he came with a huge grunt, his glass of milk flying through the air and before anyone could even say “Boo!”, Winston hang from the ceiling in the ropes meant for the gorillas to play in. He silently sweared for himself, jumped down and found his glasses on the floor, luckily not broken. “You better be cleaning that. I’m starting to believe you are doing that on purpose.”, correcting his clothes, he took a new glass, filled it and trampled out the door.
Zenyatta looked up when he heard giggles from the corner. While he couldn’t feel like a human being, he had read up on human humor and the emotions involved, described to the best possible detail. A couple scientists stood in the corner, one had recorded the whole thing on their phone. One of them giggled a bit and smiled as he put a hand on Zenyatta’s shoulder “Thank you. It was better than expected. I know we are giving Winston a hard time, but we just had to have at least one good video of this. Do us a favour and try to announce your presence to him from here on, please? He is starting to get real grumpy and he is not fun to be near when he is grumpy. It also takes from his work.”
Winston came back to his quarters, took a sip of his milk and started a video on his pc. He liked to watch funny home videos on Youtube, and he often used that to get out of bad mood. After a while, a video with the title “Clever monkey got scared by robot” appeared…
Next time: Two very skilled female engineers in coalition.
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