Staying sane might be the hardest thing you'll have to do during an apocalypse. Knowing that most of the earth's population are probably dead and that the world is doomed won't give you much hope for the future. It takes much more than knowledge and strength to maintain a healthy state of mind.
~ Keep yourself busy with tasks, even if they're small. Making sure that you're always focused on something will keep your mind away from darker thoughts.
~ Even though stress can be useful, as it keeps you on guard, too much stress is very bad for you. It can cause angry outbursts, forgetfulness, it will lower your energy, make you unfriendly, make you more careless and it will be harder to make decisions. Do whatever you need to stay calm and to de-stress, as this will not only improve your mood but also your chances of survival.
~ If you isolate yourself from other people for too long, you'll become too lonely and bored, and may even lose the will to live. Being with as little as one person will make you feel more secure as now, you won't have to face every problem alone.
~ Staying strong when you're constantly surrounded by danger will also be very difficult. Just like stress, fear can be useful as it makes you more cautious. However, too much fear can cause many bad reactions, such as impairing thinking and judgement, losing the will to live, being unable to move and it can also make you clumsy. Don't let your fear control you, instead, accept that you're scared and find ways to move around it.
~ The best way to maintain a good mental state is to develop a positive attitude, even if you have nothing to live for. You can train your mind to become stronger so that it will be easier to deal with these issues.
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