May 3rd 2010. USA.| Zachary.
I turned off the ignition and got off my newly repaired and re-painted bike. That crazy Becca had destroyed my sweet Delilah after losing the race against Jacquelyn, in typical sore loser fashion. And speaking of Jacquelyn, once again she had completely disappeared. Not to forget that I still hadn't asked for her phone number, since she had vanished into thin air just a couple minutes later.
I headed towards the school doors and found Damon, Justin and Tyler leaning against the lockers.
" Hey, by the way the motor race is on for tonight!", said Justin excitedly. Between all of us, he was the youngest and most 'innocent' one.
"Where is it already? Del- I mean my bike is has been repaired, so I'm ready to kick some asses at the race", I announced, nearly revealing the fact that I have a name for my bike.
If they knew, I would most definitely become a joke and the next day, the headline of the school's newspaper would probably have 'Bad boy calls his bike Delilah' as front page headline.
And to spice up to the hot news, they would probably say that I sang 'Hey there Delilah' to my bike as lullaby.
I bet Jacquelyn would do that.
Yeah... She would.
" Look where you're going, you bitch!", screeched the high pitched voice of Miss. I-am-the-queen-of-the-world-and-everyone-is-my-fucking-peasant a.k.a Ashley Power.
I didn't even bother to turn around since her fussing about the simplest things and bullying the lowers in the high school food chain wasn't new to me.
"I-I am s-sorry", said a familiar voice. I whipped around, so fast that I could have sprained my neck.
However, her bullying Jacquelyn was new to me.
I saw a girl who had an uncanny resemblance to Jackie, but she was wearing sweatpants along with an over-sized sweater and nerdy glasses, which was totally different from the Jackie who won the fight in just shorts and a sports bra or the one who looked badass with her leather jacket.
This one had this innocent look in her face which was alien to me, since the Jackie I knew was far from innocent. But there was something wrong. Her eyes were... brown?! Jackie's eyes were icy blue with specks of grey, yet the clone of Jacquelyn standing in front of me had dark brown eyes. Meanwhile, her long brown waves had been exchanged with an ash blonde mane, tied into
Is there like a way to change eye colour?
God. Zac ever heard of eye contact lenses?! Well, they do exist.
As the brown eyes of Jacquelyn's carbon copy stared at Ashley, for a fleeting second I saw a flash of burning fury but she covered it up with mock innocence so quickly, that no one even noticed it.
Yup, definitely her.
But how can she have blonde hair?
But why would she wear a disguise?
Millions of questions ran through my mind, wondering what her intentions could possibly be.
Was she doing this to hide from Max? But if she only began to wear the disguise after the underground fight wouldn't someone have noticed?
Well I better save her from Ashley's wrath before people start noticing her too much.
I walked towards them, feeling a specific pair of brown eyes burning holes on the side of my face, as I faced Ashley hoping to shift her attention.
"Uh-hey, Ashley. I um didn't see you at Tyler's party last week", I said hastily.
I couldn't stand Ashley. Each time she sees me, she throws herself at me like a monkey on the loose.
"Hi Zachy", she said in a sickening sweet tone. I had this urge to gag at that stupid nickname and in my peripheral vision, I could see Jackie's carbon copy pursing her lips tightly to avoid laughing.
"So I was thinking we could hang out at the coffee shop after school. What say?", I asked Ashley.
Ugh. Why me?! Holy mother of sport cars, just why. Why was I even bothering to help Jacquelyn?!
Because she helped you get rid of despo Becca, remember?
Damn it.
"Is it a date?", she asked smugly.
"Uhhhh", I shifted from foot to foot awkwardly.
Great. Just great. Now she probably thinks I'm gonna marry her or something, like she does every time I talk to her.
"See you after school then...",she spoke seductively, with a wink, twirling a strand of her blond hair, before walking away, completely forgetting about the girl she had been screeching at a few moments back.
I turn around to see the Jackie 2.0 who was looking at me with a bored expression which she hurriedly swapped for a mock innocent and nervous one, contradicting her piercing and confident gaze.
" C-can I g-go now?", she obviously fake stuttered.
"No. No you can't Jacquelyn...", I said with a smirk.
"Excuse me?", she asked with an oh-so-innocent tone, while her eyes spoke differently.
"You're not excused. So enlighten on me on why you're pretending to be someone else, Jackie? Is that better?", I stated with sarcastic dripping from my words.
"I think you have me mistaken for someone else... My name is Jacquelyn Richardson but I've never even spoken to you before!".
"Stop this game, Jacquelyn. I am pretty sure I did not dream the underground fight, otherwise my nose wouldn't be bruised at the moment and I wouldn't have to sneak into my mom's bedroom everyday for the last three weeks, and steal her concealer to try to cover up the damn nose. And guess what?! All that does is make it look like the sun tanned my face, but forgot my nose.", I rambled off in frustration.
Wait... What did I say to her?!
Great dude. First, you reveal that you call your bike Delilah and now you admit to using your mom's make up.
Just great.
My thoughts were interrupted by Jacquelyn's fits of laughter.
"You-you are wearing concealer?! I'm surprised you know what it means.", she exclaimed in between laughs.
All students in the hall started staring Jacquelyn, wondering why she was talking to me. Now that kind of attention is not great for someone who's trying to keep a cover so I dragged her towards an empty room.
The janitor's closet?! Wow, Zac. You're totally not messing up.
Suddenly, an unbearable pain shot up my arm. My arm was now twisted behind my back, held by Jacquelyn, making me hiss in pain.
"Don't touch me!", she hissed with venom dropping from her words. Her warmth fanned my ear as she angrily muttered incoherent words.
"Ow. Let go. I was just bringing you in here so that you don't draw too much attention to you and blow your cover off!", I said in my defense.
She let go, after a few seconds. I shook my hand, as if that could shake the stinging feeling in my whole arm away.
"Damn. You're strong. So, now you can't tell me that you're not Jacquelyn but a nerdy doppelganger who happens to have taken karate lessons in elementary school.", I grunted accusingly.
"How did you know that I've been taking karate lessons from Jackie Chan?", she muttered dryly,making me let out a chuckle. She walked to a corner of the janitor's closet and sat down. "Hahaha. Steele has blown off my cover once again. Congrats, Sherlock ."
Awkward silence filled the air, making it hard to even breathe.
"Can I ask you a question?", I asked.
"You just did.", she added with a smirk, raising her hands in surrender when she spotted the lack of amusement in my expression.
"Why are you in a disguise?."
The second the words left my mouth, her eyes darkened. With a sigh she started: "Well...I-".
That's when she was interrupted by the sound of a door being locked, following by the piecing ring of the first bell.
Jacquelyn and I stared at each other with wide eyes before looking at the door.
She groaned before muttering, "Great. Just fucking great.", under her breath.
I turned the knob, confirming that we were indeed locked in.
"Looks like we're stuck here...", I mumbled.
"It just had to be the janitor's closet?!".
December 19th 2014. Britain.| Jacquelyn.
A ray of sunshine glared harshly, forcing my eyes open. As my blurry eyes gradually opened, I heard voices around me hissing to each other.
"She still hasn't woken up and it's been weeks Becca! Why did you hit her? I told you I was going to handle it!", a deep voice barked.
That's Zac's voice...
"As if", replied a high-pitched voice, laced with venom, "I saw your worried expression after she got a little gash, I knew you were too weak to do it!".
Oh no... I know that annoying voice. Becca Clington.
All I could see was a blurry, plain white ceiling, with blinding lights. I rubbed my eyes with the back of my hand hoping to get rid of the black spots in my view, whimpering as the the throbbing ache in my head grew more and more painful. As I sat up and looked around, the voiced turned into people.
Meanwhile, another guy with light blonde hair was sitting on a nearby chair, scrolling through his phone and clearly bored from their argument as he rolled his eyes whenever he glanced at them. As his gaze drew away from them, he noticed that I was awake.
"What?!", Zac snapped back angrily to Tyler who was too busy gaping at me with shock to reply. He followed his gaze towards me and for about 30 seconds, they all stared at me silently, as if I had grown three heads.
That's when it all came crashing down. As I recalled all the past events, instinctively reaching up to find a scar bulging at the back of head, while the sound of gunshots and shattering glass still echoed in my mind.
"Well sorry, 'cause this might hurt...", he mumbled.
I was about to question him, but felt a strong blow to my head and everything went dark. The last thing I heard was Becca freaking Clington's voice.
Swiftly, I jumped off the bed stumbling slightly as my vision blurred, grabbing a pair of scissors from the table. I let out a scream as the IV tube that I hadn't noticed ripped off. In the corner of my eyes, I noticed Zac approaching me and raised the scissors threateningly, daring him to move a step closer.
He raised his hands up in surrender and gently spoke, eyeing my hand, "Look, you need help. Your hand is bleeding."
"Why do you care?", I hissed back, "You're the one who got me in this state. In fact, I'm surprised you didn't finish me off while you could."
For a moment, I thought that a flash of hurt had crossed his expressions, but the next second his hard and cold glare let me believe that it had been a figment of my imagination.
"I don't. In fact, I could have left you there to die but thought you could be useful for information first. Don't worry, we'll get rid of you once your purpose expires", he answered with a nonchalant tone.
Letting out a snort, I mumbled "Thought so", flinching at the horrible pain at the back of head as my vision began to blur further. Shaking my head as an attempt to stay awake,
"Look, it's no point struggling. You're in the Serpents' territory, there's no way you could escape."
"What the-?! Am I in LONDON?! How dare you! ", as my tone rose so did wretched headache, causing me to stumble onto the bed as I held my head, "Dios mio...".
"You should maybe let us help you,both your hand and head injury are not looking very good...", Tyler mumbled.
"Pfff, what's the point? I'm probably gonna die anyway. Better die from an injury than from torture", I chuckled.
"Why do you have to be such a pain in the ass?", Becca hissed through her clenched teeth.
"If I say a word to help you, there would be a war between the two gangs and thousands of innocent lives would suffer."
"Oh so supporting your father's gang is community service?", Zac scoffed as he advanced towards me.
How could he refer to me as that man's daughter?
Because its the truth.
Clenching my fist, I got up and pushed him away.
"He's not-", I started angrily but stopped, realizing the consequences, "You won't understand."
"What will I not understand? The fact that you are a murderer who tells herself that she's helping the world in her own sadistic way?", he hissed, moving towards me with ever word he said.
"Don't say things that you don't know about!"
By now, we were both screaming at the top of our lungs, with our faces just inches away, glaring at each other with equal fury.
"Oh wow, you're still in denial."
"You know what, Zachary? You're such a hypocrite. You're with the Serpents and yet you're judging me? Come on, I doubt they do charity work.", I growled back, pushing him away.
"You know very well why I'm doing this!".
"And you don't know why I am, so you have no right to jump to conclusions!."
"God to think that I ever-"
I scoffed, knowing what he meant to say, "No, no, no. Don't you dare play that card! You loved the feeling of loving me, not me. Must have sounded exciting, loving the undercover chick? If you had, you would have known me well enough to not accuse me of these things."
Tired of arguing, I simply walked away before he could react, let go of the scissors and lied onto the bed, wrapping my bloody hand with the sheet. As I turned away from them, I called out:
"If you feel like killing me, don't worry about me running away. I'll be right here. "
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