May 3rd 2010. USA.| Jacquelyn.
The bell for first period had already rung, and it had been an hour since we were stuck here.
The air was reigned by silence, with only our breaths as sounds. In the dim light of the room, the boy looked like an angel... a few strands of his brown hair fell onto his forehead, their shadows looming over his eyes, allowing only a few small beams of light that allowed me to see the chocolaty orbs.
Suddenly, the door opened abruptly, revealing the janitor.
The old man's mouth was ajar as he stared at us with eyes as wide as potatoes. And I'm pretty sure, that Zac and I mirrored the same expression.
Zac and I scrambled up, dusting our clothing and walked to the door, facing the janitor. Once again, silence hanged through the air.
"Do you know our names?", Zac asked to the janitor, out of the blue, while I stared at him with a bewildered look.
"No?!", stated the janitor, reluctantly as he narrowed his eyes suspiciously at Zac.
Mumbling a quick "good", Zac grabbed my wrist and dashed towards a dark corner , with me behind him, staring at his hand while the janitor's yells echoed in the halls.
Zac pushed me against a wall, clamping my mouth shut, as he breathed heavily, while his eyes darted around looking out for the janitor. All along, I stared at him with wide eyes.
When realization finally dawned on me, I yell at Zac but my screams were muffled by his hand, and he ignored me, watching whether the janitor was still nearby. Annoyed, I licked his hand, making him retract it quickly.
"Ew!", he squealed like a banshee, and quickly wiped his hand, on his shirt.
"Ew!", I imitated him mockingly.
"He's gonna find us because of you. Will you shut it?", he whisper-yelled with a frustrated tone.
His brown eyes glimmered with mischief, as his lips twitched to form his signature smirk.
Uh oh. Not good.
"Then, guess I'll have to make you shut up".
"Wha-". Before I could utter another word, his lips were on mine, and mine on his.
Let just say that it was one of the moments where your brain goes hazy.
And of course I did the only thing that seemed suitable to my hazy little brain. When I kissed him back, I could feel him smirking against my lips. My hands snaked around his neck on their own accord, and roamed through his unbelievably soft and silky mane, while our lips moved in perfect sync.
And believe me, I was on cloud nine. All the sappy love stories I had read, would claim that the characters felt like their lips were 'liquid fire' when they kissed. Well I don't know about them, but I swear on the holy mother of unicorns, it felt so right. Like a fantasy, a fairy tale. But at the back of my mind, part of me also knew that life wasn't a fairy tale...It never had a happily ever after. Well, at least not in my case.
And-Hang on! I just met this guy three weeks ago for a few hours before he pissed me off. And today , is the second time we're meeting and I'm kissing him?!
As reality dawned, I pushed him away and hissed out insults as I kicked him in the shin, "Jackass!", before stomping off.
As I marched towards my Math class, I felt him trail behind.
Son of a biscuit.
"Stop following me!", I snapped as I turned around to face him.
I don't know what was funny, but Zac broke into fits of laughter while I stood watching with an unimpressed expression.
When he finally recovered, he grinned and said, "Jacquelyn, I'm in your Math class".
December 23rd 2014. Britain.| Jacquelyn.
Thrice a day, someone was sent to bring down meals. Twice a day, a doctor came to check up on me. And at least once a day, I wondered what information I could possibly disclose to the Serpents, for them to be willing to keep me alive.
But today, the schedule got switched up. I was staring outside the railed windows observing the Londoners scrambling in the rain who based off the Christmas trees being shoved onto pickup vans were hoping to reach home quickly to set up the tree. That's when the door opened to reveal Tyler, who awkwardly walked in and dropped a large package onto the bed.
"There's a party, you've been-uh asked to be they sent clothes for you to wear...", he mumbled as he shifted nervously from foot to foot. Knowing Tyler from high school who was notorious for his car racing and ability to make local police officers transfer, he was not intimidated by me. Rather, he knew that inviting a hostage to a dinner party was bizarre and above that, he already knew my answer.
"Look, don't make this hard for me, the Boss says you have to be there since he's passing down his title. I'm already in a bad mood after Justin stole my hazelnut ice-cream", he whined.
Now that's interesting.
Wait , did he say Justin? The adorable Justin had been part of Zac's crowd but aside from his amazing racing and fighting skills, he was the most innocent of them all, always wearing a goofy smile and cheering people up with his lame jokes. If only he hadn't been dragged into this cycle of chaos.
"Justin? Our Jus-", he nodded with a gentle smile as I cleared my throat, "Well, sorry about the ice-cream thief, but on a side note I'll come", I replied, feigning an innocent expression.
"Really?! Well that was suspiciously easy", he narrowed his brown eyes at me and frowned.
"Yeah, 'cause that way I can insult the hell out of both your old and new Boss. Great opportunity."
"I knew it was too good to be true.", he chuckled, "But I don't really care, all I was told to do is get you there, so go get changed. I'll wait outside."
I threw on the breathtaking jet-black maxi dress from the packet. It had a high lace neck, accompanied by a lace scallop border on the back. Then, I slipped on the heels Tyler had brought, followed by a delicate blue topaz necklace that seemed to match the color of my eyes. As I undid my messy bun to leave my hair in its natural waves, I eyed myself in the mirror and realized that I looked like some kind of Gothic heiress.
Or like you were going to a fancy funeral.
Yeah that too.
Maybe it's their psychotic way of guiding a hostage to be executed.
Eh, might as well die in style.
As I sat on the chair awkwardly sandwiched between the two unknown guards who had been instructed to keep an eye on me, I looked around with awe. The dinner hall was massive with a myriad of dishes on long buffet tables and a snake ice sculpture glimmering with pride, while people chattered around excitedly. After what seemed felt like an hour, someone announced that dinner was about to be served and people began to advance towards the dinner table where I was, barely noticing the strange girl who was on the verge of falling asleep.
"Ah, Ms. Alessandra! What a pleasure to have you here", exclaimed a deep voice, thickly lined with a British accent from the end of the table closest to me.
As I looked up, I found a man who looked about fifty years old with his silvery hair swept back neatly, dressed in a spotless suit, along with a peculiar ring on his left hand.
The serpentum vectem ring, I thought at the back of my head, symbol of the leader in the Serpent clan. So that's David Lantern.
"Wish I could say the same about you, David.", I snorted in the most unladylike way possible and as much as I wish to say that it was on purpose, it wasn't that's just uh me.
He let out a hearty laugh, much to my surprise and retorted with a broad grin, "Now I see why Mr. Steele warned me about your humor."
"Oh no that wasn't a joke," I shot a sarcastic smile at him.
"Shut it, Jacquelyn," snapped a familiar voice.
"Now, Zac. I know how hardworking you are but you have your entire life to be a jerk. Why not take today off?".
He simply ignored me and sat next to Letterman, wearing a serious expression as he mumbled God knows what. It was the first I had ever seen him so dressed up, with his brown hair combed back to perfection, as he donned a sharp tux with the slightest midnight blue sheen.
High school kid with the ripped jeans and dirty converse cleans up well huh.
Yup, would've known earlier if you hadn't skipped prom...
Abruptly my thoughts were interrupted by a petite lady asking whether I wanted some of the seafood soup.
But before I could answer, Zac retorted, "No, she doesn't like sea food".
He remembered.
"Actually, I do like sea food. I would like a large serving, thank you," I said with smirk, as I saw him clench his jaw.
I fucking hate seafood.
May 3rd 2010. USA.| Jacquelyn.
I fucking hate algebra.
There, that says it all! My life is so fucking great. Please tell me you noted the sarcasm. Seriously, why the hell would you mix alphabets with numbers. That's like mixing cereal with orange juice.
Here I am, sitting on my desk, trying understand what the hell Mr.Everest was saying in his alien mathematical language, and believe me his monotone voice wasn't helping. Neither was Zac's knee, that was constantly purposely brushing against mine.
Being the ever-so-calm person I am, I quietly tolerated the fact that he was pushing my buttons. Did seriously believe that?! Of course that's not what I did, although I had tried to do so by chanting in my head...
Think good things. Think about rainbows and unicorns. Rainbow and unicorns. Just rainbows and unicorns. You can do this. Rainbows and unicorns. Rain-
"Rainbows and fucking unicorns!", I blurted out... Like loudly, as in seriously loudly.
The whole class was staring at me blankly, while Zac was laughing uncontrollably, turning red. Mr.Everest, on the other hand did not look very amused. In fact it we were in one of those animated shows, you would have seen steam coming out of his ears.
"Is there a problem Ms.Jacquelyn?", said the teacher through gritted teeth.
"N-No. I-I am sorry! I don't know what happened- I just-Urgh! I was just-", I rambled on, while Zac continued to laugh.
"There's no need for you to explain yourself to me, Ms.Jacquelyn", said the teacher in a sickenly sweet voice, but immediately change his tone and said, " Because YOU and Mr.Steele, will have plenty of time to explain yourselves to the walls that you will be cleaning this afternoon."
Turns out, I hated painting over obscene words and a couple dick doodles that a bunch of 14 year olds had decided to spray paint on the parking lot's wall, more than I could ever hate algebra.
December 23rd 2014. Britain.| Zachary.
Turns out she still hates seafood.
I could easily tell, from the disgust that flashed across her when she surreptitiously smelt the last spoonful of the seafood soup, though she quickly hid it when she noticed that I was looking. With a sigh, she closed her eyes and threw the contents into her mouth. With every spoon, Jacquelyn's face turned paler.
That doesn't look good.
So? Good for her, she insisted to take the soup just to annoy me.
But she looks like she's going to puke all over the place...
Stifling a laugh, I got up and whispered to her, "Now I don't like you, but I'm pretty sure Tyler likes his shoes so just get up and I'll guide you to the washroom."
Clearly aware of what I was talking about, she furrowed her brows probably contemplating on whether or not she should abandon her quest of defying me constantly. Finally, she groaned, "Fine, but I still hate you."
"Ooh, that does not look good", I muttered as I held back her hair, while she puked into the toilet bowl.
"No shit," she grunted before heaving again.
"How do you manage to be sarcastic when you're in such a mess? And hello, I'm helping you right now."
"Just like you manage to be an assho-", she started but quickly turned back as she retched into the bowl.
"Why the hell did you eat it even though you hate seafood?", I asked bewildered as I eyed my watch realizing that she had been throwing up for the last 36 minutes.
She flushed the toilet and clumsily attempted to get up before sinking back to her knees with a grunt, "Couldn't miss a chance to piss you off, now could I?".
With a chuckle I answered, "Well, look where that got you."
"No one told you to interrupt my perfectly capable and independent self."
"It was inst- Let's get you to your room."
"Oh god no, I prefer this toilet stall over that stupid room. Can I just go out a for like 2 seconds and just breathe some fresh air? Please, it's nearly Christmas... I think.", she muttered.
No. Don't you dare, Zachary Edward Steele.
Seeing my reluctance, she continued, "Please, I don't even have somewhere to run to and on top of that, I can barely walk right now. Come on, I probably won't come out of that room for another bunch of weeks or simply it'll be my last time seeing the sky before-".
She stopped and looked down, avoiding my eyes.
I got up and began to walk, hoping to avert any kind of conversation because I had no clue what the hell I was doing.
"Um Zac?".
"I can't really get up."
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