A demon has to be called out if you have to sacrifice someone or something like that I'm out.
To call Marchosias, the summon from Ars Goetia usually has to be used, but it's another way. Usually you either ask for help and submit or force the demons or the demon to obey you. But there is a third possibility which I had read by chance on an old letter from a heretic. When you make a trade or, to put it mildly, a loan for people who don't understand it, it's like bringing something into a pawnshop. This loan must be something so precious to the person that it would not normally be possible for them to exist without it. The soul itself or a part of the soul, in very rare cases also certain objects or an assignment that is given to you." you probably have to kill someone or hurt somebody or something. If they have done everything right, the demon should appear, but rarely he shows up in his normal form, but if he should show himself in his normal form, immediately end the ritual and blur the seal! Otherwise, everyone around you and especially yourself is expecting a difficult fate!"-hmm.........................................................................................
................................ (long time to think and remain silent)
I think it's worth a try, if something really should happen, then I just have to wipe away the seal. And if it's like a pawnshop, I get everything back and I want to save Nobu......
Here is another "general incantation".
"You great mighty spirit.... (Name), I beseech you on this day and at this hour here to set you certain matters.
But before I can continue, it is necessary that you show yourself clearly visible in front of me. And listen, if you are under any spell, or busy elsewhere, nothing will still enable you to resist the power of my terrible incantation. I command you, and if you should not obey my words or be unwilling to come, then I curse you in the most terrible way, then I will take your power and banish you to the most dreadful place!
-short break-
Therefore come immediately and visibly, O spirit... (name), and appear in the magic triangle outside this circle."
Sounds like a bit of a handicap, this whole evocation thing, but apparently I'm so desperate that I have to try and want to.....
I really hope it works, apparently. Maybe he'll wake up before then....
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