Homers’ Thougths:
The next morning, I got woken up by Miss. Towiesters' harsh shakings and judgmental looks.
“Come on Sire, I have been trying to wake you for the past hour. You Never sleep like a log. What have you been up to?”
“Bad dreams Miss. Towiester..... Bad Dreams.”
I got out of the bed and assured Miss. Towiester that I’d be down there as fast as I could. As I was washing up, memories from last night rushed in.
"Oh Boy!!!"
I still didn't know why our hearts were trying to jump out of our chests. All I knew was that it was bad. Until I know more, I cannot help myself nor Mia.
"Poor Mia. She must be terrified" I mumbled to myself.
I gave myself a quick look in the mirror and went downstairs. The rest of the family already had their breakfast; however, Miss. Towiester asked the maid to make me something quick. I swallowed down what seemed to be an omelet but did not taste anything resembling to it with a large glass of orange juice and headed to my next destination.
Since I still had an hour till my classes start, I decided to ponder over last nights' events. Meeting Mia at this hour would not have been possible. After all, the rest of the world sees her as a useless red auraed.
The only reasonable action was to trust my gut and assume that she'd be fine. Besides, I was sure that she would like to know more about the heart thumping when we meet. And since I so confidently assured her that I knew all about it despite having no ideas. I'd better go to the library.
As I was walking towards the library, I realized how lucky I was to be born into the Youria Family. Although Noble, my parents did their very best to change our perspectives. If I was anything but a Youria, I would have never worried about a red auraed, . I'd probably would have fired Mia for disturbing my sleep rather than trying to comfort her.
It is just sad that we are not strong and noble enough to not have to pretend to the outside world.
I reached the library and started looking through different shelves and books. I started going through the medicus section to see if there is anything relating to the heart. A very old and dusty book caught my eye. On its' hinge, I saw a vague picture of a full circle entrapping two semi-circles while holding a dot at their center. I blew on it multiple time and was finally able to see its' cover, "The Blood Pumping Beast."
I grabbed it and looked for the most hidden spot in the library. After all, dad loves this place and I don't want to be seen as someone who has any sort of interest in reading books.
I opened the book and glanced through multiple pages. To my surprise, I already knew most of the stuff there is to know about the heart. But as I read more and more, I realized that I had absolutely no idea on the effects of magic on this wonderful organ.
"Subject one: The heart is stable and beating at the same rate prior to exposure. Environment: fully controlled…..Subject Four: ...... Subject Fourteen: The heart beats at an alarming rate after a month of self-exposure. Subject is mentally inoperative. Environment: Fully Controlled. Recommendation: Elimination.”
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