
  • A Beginner's Guide to Action Fantasy!⚔️

    Jan 05, 2021

If you’re a fan of dangerous battles, dramatic exposition, and worlds beyond your wildest imagination, then you’re most likely a fan of Action Fantasy! But what makes a series action fantasy, exactly? Does it need to just have some fights? Take place in a faraway land? The answer is both yes and no! Don’t worry, we’re going to break down what it takes in this piece. 

The World
As part of the fantasy genre, that means there has to be something unique about the world the story takes place in. It could be on a different planet, in a magical realm, or it could be similar to our own world except there are magic and wondrous creatures. That doesn’t necessarily mean there has to be magic, but there definitely has to be something that could never be acquired or done in the real world. Another option is having the MC come from the real world and appear in a totally new world. Whether they died in one world, were sucked into a game, or some other means, this is a great way to merge the real world and fantasy elements! Another great world-blend is when the MC willingly enters another world through virtual reality—like in The Legendary Moonlight Sculptor!

Some other great examples of action fantasy world-building can also be found in titles like The Beginning After The End and Devil Sword King!

The Goal
Probably the most important aspect of an Action Fantasy series is that our main character has something that seems like an impossible goal. Whether it’s just unattainable for them particularly or for anyone who dares to try, it doesn’t matter. It just needs to be challenging for our MC (main character). In a lot of series, you’ll find that the MC is trying to become something better, something stronger than they currently are. This is especially true in Shonen anime/manga like Naruto, My Hero Academia, Black Clover, etc. Our MC wants to be the best, they want to be the ultimate sword hero or Hokage, whatever it is, that’s what they’re working towards and they’ll do whatever it takes—except anything evil or inherently wrong, of course. They are the hero after all.

This is especially true in Whispers of a True King, where the MC is trying to turn things around in the world by becoming a king that the world has never had before!

Next up is a series of obstacles that not only prevent our MC from getting to their goal but make them face the reality of their situation/stature/handicaps/etc. Perhaps it’s a showdown against someone they thought was their friend, or maybe it’s the tragic loss of a mentor or family member, or maybe all of that and more happens! Either way, our hero must be shaken to their core...but not willing to give up. Now, many of the obstacles must also lead our hero to grow or develop—emotionally and physically. They may power-up, they may learn a new skill or really anything that changes them so they’re on their way to becoming more fit for their goal.

But one important thing to remember is it can’t just be one obstacle. Oh no, our hero must face many to fully realize the power they have inside and the power of those around them. How do they come across these obstacles though? What brings them up against some of their toughest opponents? Well, that all begins with…

The Journey 
With every great story, there’s a journey that must be taken to reach a goal. It can be a literal, spiritual, emotional, or mental journey, but the MC must experience it to reach what they seek. If the end goal is a powerful item or a position of power, then the MC must prove that they are fit for the sought after item or position. After all, things would be super boring if they could just walk up to the thing they want and just attain it! Plus, how would they meet new allies and enemies? The journey is the heart of the overall story because it takes us to that final, ultimate goal!

Companions and Rivals

While every great hero may say they’re ready to face their mission on their own, it’s way more interesting to have companions that come along for the ride. Whether they start off by the MC’s side or they’re acquired along the way, every great action fantasy story has a well-rounded cast of characters. Enemies that have opposite motives or rivals that want to beat the MC to the goal are also important to add to the mix. Plus, for a lot of series, a key theme revolves around friendship!

When it comes to enemies, in many action fantasy titles the MC will have to prepare to face one ultimate boss—someone who has mastered a certain skill or ability that the MC seeks as well. This could be someone who has a daunting title like Sword King, Demon King, or they could be a cruel emperor or king that has ruled over the lands with an iron fist. The MC will encounter them numerous times which will lead to amazing and epic battles! Really putting the action in action fantasy! These fights are usually what leads to huge realizations or the MC is able to unlock a new ability. Because when backed into a corner or if they’re losing hope, there’s always a spark that will ignite and help them turn things around. Even if a fight is lost, there’s still something valuable that comes from it in the end. 

Overall, there are many elements that make up a good action fantasy title. Some of the mainstream examples come from Shonen anime and manga but here on Tapas you can find some amazing series as well. We have a bunch of new releases coming in this year! So go on, dive into the action-packed worlds and discover what it takes to achieve impossible goals!
