
  • Tapas app & web service error has been fixed (6/29 18:00 PT)

    Jun 29, 2023

Tapas app & web service error has been fixed (6/29 18:00 PT)

There was a temporary bug blocking new series/episode updates earlier today. We’re pleased to inform you that the error has been fixed and all services are now back up and running.

Reading events for the following titles will now be open for 12 extra hours.

- The Maxed-out Player (New release)
: 6/28 11:00 - 6/29 23:59  => 6/30 11:59

- The Villainess's Princely Predicament (New release)
: 6/29 11:00 - 6/30 23:59  =>  7/1 11:59

- Debut or Die! (comic) (Daily Reading Challenge)
: 6/29 00:00 - 6/29 23:59  =>  6/30 11:59

We apologize for the inconvenience and thank you for your understanding.