
  • STAFF'S PICK: Did the World End Yet?

    Nov 30, 2018

Staff's Pick is a bi-weekly series of staff interviews where our staff introduces you to one of their favorite stories. We hope you enjoy our hidden gems. This week’s gem: Chanjoo Noh’s “Did the World End Yet?”. 

Featured Staff: Gabby

1. Hi Gabby! Tell us a little bit about yourself?

Hello! I’m Gabby. I am the lead editor of Originals, the series produced at Tapas with talented creators from all around the world, including Born Sexy Tomorrow and The Beginning After the End. The kind of stories that I enjoy the most are the ones that are relatable or give another perspective of the world. To me, the best kinds of stories are the ones that bring you in with big laughs, then goes straight to the heart for the kill.

2. Give us your best summary for “Did the World End Yet?” for our readers:

In the past, four magical school girls saved the world from total destruction. Then they grew up, their past achievements are forgotten by the world, and now have to face the hardships of adult life like rent, work, family expectations—very familiar stuff. When the world is in danger again, they’re not so eager to jump in and stop it. Why would they, when the world has been so cruel?

I feel it. (From Ep.1)

3. What makes this story special to you?

It is just so damn relatable and funny. People say I laugh a lot, but when it comes to humor in entertainment like comics, I’m actually very picky.

The story takes the well-known stereotypical concept of Sailor Moon’s “magical girl” and gives it a refreshing twist. It makes fun of itself, and I just love that. And despite the comedy, the ending is also very sobering. Really makes you think about your priorities, especially when you’re in the same stage as the magical girls, and you just get attached to each one. The art is great too! I’m a big fan of clean and simple art styles.

Who else runs to get snacks during

transformation sequences?

(From Ep. 4)

4. Who would you recommend this story to?

If you have ever questioned your existence. If you’ve ever struggled in school or at work. If you’ve ever been judged by the way you look, your relationship status, your accomplishments (or lack thereof), this is the story for you! (Also, if you love cute girls with short hair who tell it like it is!) 

Every family holiday ever. (From Ep. 11)

On Tapas, if you’ve read Satan and Me by Orangeplum, Incubuskun by Cotton Valent, or One More J and I Love You Bambette by Tato (and I highly suggest you do if you haven’t), you will also love Did The World End Yet?!

Let’s dive into the story. Read now!
