I've always drawn little stick people comic books since I was in the 5th grade. They were always just silly little strips that I would draw for fun, and to make people in my classes laugh. However when I got into high school, I started learning more about filmmaking, and writing, and I decided I wanted to write a story that would eventually become a film trilogy. I spent all of high school planning out ideas, and writing a rough version of it. When I was 19, I decided to finally write the official version of the series you see here on my account: School Buds. Although I wanted it to be a film, I couldn't help myself but to write it in my comic book style that I always have with my other stuff. I planned to write it in that style, then, when it was finished, I would transition the story into a screenplay format, and submit it so it could be made. But as I kept working on it, I couldn't help but want people to see this version before a film would be made. After all, a film would probably need to adapt it, and make changes that I wouldn't originally intend. So, even though it's probably not a good idea, because it's hand written and rough around the edges in many places, I've decided that I would post my original version on here for the people of the public to either enjoy or criticize. I welcome both. So please, try School Buds out, and I hope you enjoy.