I'm the creator of the comic cartoon series: The Cat In Fear, Jungle Jam & The Kids of Butler Academy. I recently graduated from GTCC with a degree in Advertising & Graphic Design. I also hold an Associates Degree in Fine Arts. I am ambitious with goals of becoming a professional artist and I would like to collaborate with other designers. My dream is to be a successful graphic designer and open my own business in the future.
When I create art, it makes me feel inspired to create original pieces that relate to my inspiration. Because of this, I create art to convey the message that, even if art does involve drawing and brainstorming concepts on paper, it is visual communication that revolves around the idea of addressing themes that relate to how society functions. The major themes that are present in my artwork are perseverance, being a goal seeker, dealing with everyday life and the joy and pain that it brings us, and finding hope in a harsh world. The themes revolve around the idea of finding your purpose and how you can subvert that purpose into something meaningful. I am Rayshawn Butler and I’m striving to be an aspiring graphic designer and open my own business in North Carolina.