A hosting place for the REBcosm | "R̶E̶B̶P̶I̶E̶R̶R̶E̶ ̶C̶O̶M̶I̶C̶ ̶U̶N̶I̶V̶E̶R̶S̶E̶"
Most of my work fit a more "old school manel" panel layout
The "Rebcosm" is a comic universe made up of various series, originally established in 2013. Will be dropping a chapters from a few of my series here, along with some more art pertaining to my original comic/manga universe
The Rebcosm's current home base, where all my series will be posted until I launch my own website, can be found on my Fanbox. If you'd like to support the series and gain access to exclusive content, check it out ⬇️ Read more