Dragón: El héroe ígneo, en Amenaza Fractal
Dragón es un famoso luchador y super héroe. Para enfrentar a su némesis, La Doctora Cerebro, antes deberá asegurarse de distinguir su realidad de la f...
super, Action
SCHOOLAZ and other Jamaican Heroes
by andysmitty
In a futuristic Jamaican world where robotics are the norm...a few champions have risen to keep the rising number of criminals in check. The young...
super, Comedy
The first comic book series that I ever made! Follow The Super Team as they fight Evil!
super, Action
The story is about a superhero named "Power Man" aka Takoma Harkem. He fights a villain named Evil Eye and gets a curse placed on him which causes sor...
super, Action, Fantasy, Science fiction
Una presencia maligna esta invadiendo la Vía Láctea buscando liberar a la legión de los demonios de Asmodeo. Los guardianes sagrados enviados por Dios...
super, Fantasy
Everything seems normal for Zach, Sam, and Anne until they discover their supernatural powers but, they aren't the only ones with powers. As they lear...
From street fights to mutant massacres. A gritty and bloody saga about super-powered killers known as "Altered". We follow our protagonist, Jack AKA T...
super, Action, Mystery, Science fiction