by Marco Mapps
Magg is a purple pariah trying to survive in a world that hates anyone and everyone who is not the right color. Oh yeah, and his fists turn into clown...
Action/Horror comic about a mute boxer with a nightmarish past fighting his inner demons while trying to survive a life of poverty.
boxing, Thriller/Horror
by Lucas
Isso é um quadrinho de porrada! Aqui você vai encontrar soco na cara, piadinhas e luvas redondas.
boxing, Action, Slice of life, Comedy
by Rod
-Nuevos capítulos cada lunes y sabado- "En la época actual, debido a la corrupción, el boxeo ha sido desprendido del prestigio y el honor que algun...
boxing, Comedy, Action, Slice of life
by Sketch Inc.
David, the protagonist of the series makes a living off of fighting. His goal is to earn enough money so he can finally move out of the slums of his c...
boxing, Thriller/Horror, Action
by EMHWbear
Amalia Aguirre and Talan Swifthawk are young, angsty, and confused. They mature across the chapters as their story unfolds, skipping through time betw...
by Allen Thomas
The new age of combat sports! Over a decade ago, tragedy fell the Four Fists of The GGC, the Grand Gladiata Championships. Today, a son of The Fists a...
boxing, Action, Action Fantasy, Science fiction