by Masaomoshi
I'll try to update once a week!! Basically the Akatsuki whenever they aren't too busy trying to capture the jinchuuriki. This comic shows these ...
comics, Comedy
by Que Mário?
Conheça a vida de Acácio do Nascimento, um homem que foi submetido desde criança a diversos tratamentos em busca de uma suposta cura para sua homossex...
comics, Drama, LGBTQ+, Slice of life
by NakamuraKleo
Vistan has a disembodied ghostly existence measured over the years and the boring duties of a watchdog for dangerous spirits. He is strictly forbidden...
Holiday Collab is back for 2016. Nov 28 - Dec 25th 2 Creators a day will post their holiday strip. Please follow the link in the episode descripti...
comics, Comedy
by DMT
The amazing adventures of an abstract being trying to survive in a crazy strange world.
comics, Slice of life, Comedy, Fantasy
A collection of tales about extraordinary keepers and their keepsakes in a seaside town somewhere in Eastern Europe where red strings bind the living....
comics, Fantasy