by princepoa
Closeted and introverted Alex moves to a new college and meets 5 other students who dress up in these whacky outfits! Alex learns to embrace himself a...
An adventure of three girls walking on Harajuku's streets. A project made for IFBA's Primary Japanese Language Class. Uma aventura de três garotas ...
Harajuku, Slice of life
Dima is just a a emissary at the St. Cyprian cathedral. Under the watchful eye of his father, the constant need for success is is driving dima to move...
about a girl who passes out and wakes up in a strange situation, surrounded by even stranger people and a plethora of questions.
True (funny and weird) stories about me and my friends and our Lolita Lifestyle.
Harajuku, Comedy
by Occult Trash
Notice Me Satan is a series of short mini-comics, satirising Hell and ‘weaboo’ culture, as well as celebrating queer relationships and the occult.
harajuku_hell, LGBTQ+, Romance Fantasy, Comedy
Dyvo é um cantor talentoso e famoso , constantemente perseguido pela mídia e revistas, que tentam a todo custo flagra-lo em fotos comprometedoras, mas...
Harajuku, Romance
Dyvo is a famous and talented singer, who is always stalked by media and magazines, since paparazzis try at every single cost take embarrassing photo...
Harajuku, Romance
A historia de vida não muito interessante de um vampiro brasileiro bem viadão <3
Harajuku, Comedy
Adventures of a little vampire j -rock music fan.(Especially Versailles and everything involving this band ) Em português aqui:
Harajuku, Comedy