My experience being Chinese in America, and American in China, and various other details of my life.
by mariposa
A is a Pin Up Zombie, B is a Steam Punk Robot, and little C is a cute little Reanimated corpse. while X is a goth chick with an unconditional love for...
by Bepis (L&S)
uh adrienbeacynthiadefghjklmnopqrstuvwxyz Three people in a poly relationship, including some twists and turns.
by chrystinao
Life struggles of a 'Chinese born overseas,' aka an American-Born Chinese. Learn little things about Chinese culture and language from the experts, my...
abc, Slice of life
A vampire named jade is forced to go to school she has to try to blend in with her classmates but she finds herself in love
by AncientArk
Comics that are either poorly drawn or total nonsense, or perhaps they are both. I sometimes draw these on a live stream.
ABCP, Comedy, Fantasy, Science fiction