by Chris
I'm Chris and this is my crude reality comic (made on Paint, sorry!). Enjoy & thank you for reading!
by AmandaJ-art
The impact of the new Latvian School2030 system on the first 10th-12th grade "Rabbits". Pain, hours of work, painful cycles - A short comic about m...
by AmandaJ-art
Skola2030 skolas sistēmas ietekme uz pirmo 10.-12.klasi "Zaķiem". Sāpes, Ilgstošs darbs, sāpīgi cikli - Īss komikss par manu dzīvi 12. klasē.
Scrambled Circuits: Crude Beginnings
The first five years of Scrambled Circuits. All written and drawn by Cameron Callahan and his inner child. These were mostly made between January o...
by crudecandies
Anecdotes about day-to-day life of Juju who never successfully keeps a diary.
by CrudelyDrawn
Read about the daily lives of Mac and PC. They always argue about which software is better and whatnot. Often. But more often than not, they come up w...