When a group of human beings agreed to take part in an experiment, they never realized how much their lives and the lives of the generations after the...
mark, Romance
The non-ventures of Jenna Spidermouthes! A 25-year-old shut in with a mouth full of spiders who tries to make friends
mark, Thriller/Horror
Salvation is a Gospel story full of adventure. A secret organization plans to install a new world government, to fight against this evil organization ...
mark, Fantasy
War breaks out after the hellborn appear in the earthly realm. Fear overtakes Wexton Harbor and has brought the worst out of it's citizens. Maeva, ado...
mark, Fantasy
by Ana K
A weekly Gospel reflection sprinkled with humanity's imperfection. Updated every Friday! Created for MySpiritualAdvisor.com.
mark, Slice of life
by LOL.stark
The adventures of a girl with the mark of the devil and the daughter of the glitch queen and her familiar.