by Aluhnim
Cut Short is a series of short stories created by me. All stories are not connected in any way, but may touch on similar themes.
mini, Slice of life
by Mini
Short Mini comics about funny situations in Mini's life. (see what I did there? ;D) P.S: Some may have been exaggerated I really hope you enjoy it!...
mini, Slice of life
by Dink
Check on TUESDAYS for updates! But I'm pretty bad at schedules... Here's some comics I think up.
mini, Slice of life
by toonlancer Meet Sam and Alex, two clerks who died inside a long long long time ago. Retail, it's HELL ON EARTH come meet...
mini, Comedy
Un perro salchicha mini fuego de cuatro kilos de amor y bolas.
mini, Slice of life, Comedy