by Joanne Kwan
[Complete] A short zine I created in October 2018 about Typhon and Echidna from Greek mythology. physical zine: PDF: (gumroad...
zine, Drama, Romance Fantasy, Slice of life
by Helluva Zine
A Stolitz zine with the prompt of 'seasons'. Each individual artist interpreted seasons in their own way which gives way to many varied pieces of art ...
zine, Romance, BL, Slice of life
Coleção conta a história da relação de um menino com sua avó, as memórias queridas dos momentos em que os dois viveram são carinhosamente guardadas em...
zine, Drama
by SuujiSundae
Suuji Sundae is a fanzine comprised of the work of over 70 different artists and authors, to create a book filled with artwork of the Osomatsu-san pa...
zine, Romance
Renata nunca teve muitos amigos. Os poucos que tinha acabaram se afastando com o tempo. Seu irmão mais novo morreu antes de completar 2 anos. Seu p...
zine, Drama
Women's History Month Webcomic Zine | 2021
by Miss Monocle
Join our 14 amazing creators who both represent and create incredible women within comics in celebrating Women's History Month 2021! Not only are ...
zine, Action, LGBTQ+, Slice of life