The Galactic Planetary ListHow to Read the Calendar:Month, Day, Year.Cycle, Name of Month, Name of Day, Name of Year, Name of Cycle*Galactic Prime serves as the central hub for interplanetary relations, and the planetarymember’s universal credit financial system. Galactic Council FoundersGalactic Prime - 00-00.00.000/A.A.A.A.AOpanious - 00-00.00.000/A.A.A.A.AGantun - 00-00.00.000/A.A.A.A.AFrayath - 00-00.00.000/A.A.A.A.AKütlhay - 00-0.000.000/A.A.A.A.AKien - 00-00.00.000/A.A.A.A.AZerthün - 00-00.00.000/A.A.A.A.AOthïn Prime - 00-00.00.000/A.A.A.A.AHythalia - 00-00.00.000/A.A.A.A.ANova Prime - 00-00.00.000/A.A.A.A.AHithalia - 00-00.00.000/A.A.A.A.AMiloges - 00-00.00.000/A.A.A.A.AVit-attinon 6.4.1.A - 00-00.00.000/A.A.A.A.AShotainia - 00-00.00.000/A.A.A.A.AZeta - 00-0.000.000/A.A.A.A.ATars - 00-00.00.000/A.A.A.A.AOskilion - 00-00.00.000/A.A.A.A.AUblars - 00-00.00.000/A.A.A.A.AAperion - 00-00.00.000/A.A.A.A.ALoch Prime - 00-00.00.000/A.A.A.A.AGalactic Planetary MembersVice Erent - 01-01.00.050/A.A.A.SAdein Prime - 01-01.10.005/A.A.S.QGaitonia - 01-01.10.099/A.S.AJetüsal - 01-01.11.000/A.A.T.ASebidain - 01-01.11.050/A.A.T.SWanquaydae - 01-01.11.087/A.A.T.OAerosint du Wesnu 3.2.5.A - 01-01.15.025/A.A.H.CSo’kalia - 01-01.15.025/A.H.CTeloy - 01-01.017.000/A.S.AQwenda - 01-01.17.015/A.A.S.AVeoss - 01-01.17.16/A.A.S.SKyonlen - 01-01.17.075/A.S.DThurdine - 01-01.18.015/A.A.P.iDansconia - 01-01.18.094/A.A.P.QCeepryo Prime - 01-01.19.000/A.A.M.ADarlay 1.9.B - 01-01.19.037/A.A.M.AXOF - 01-001.19.088/A.A.M.PHal Prime - 01-01.20.045.A.A.B.EJawaythu - 01-01.20.066/A.A.B.NZeratheal - 01-01.20.066/A.A.B.NÆdwa - 01-01.20.066/A.A.B.NIthlania - 01-01.20.067/A.A.N.OVylkin - 01-01.20.070/A.A.B.JAusisaytin - 01-001.22.020/A.A.F.EIsnotlarde - 01-01.25.079/A.A.D.SYeutsinaw - 01-01.26.000/A.A.D.ADanae - 01-01.28.050/A.A.F.SIkarous - 01-01.28.057/A.A.F.PAesthüm - 01-01.30.000/A.A.D.ASion-ha - 01-01.30.000/A.A.D.AAlt-Nima - 01-01.30.000/A.A.D.AVolunkin - 01-01.30.000/A.A.D.ATheossprin - 01-01.30.000/A.A.D.AAndromed - 01-01.30.000/A.A.D.ALodbane - 01-01.30.000/A.A.D.AInfegran - 01-01.35.000/A.A.A.ASoltin - 010.084.Z.B - 01-01.35.000/A.A.A.ABalfin - P - Alpha - - - - Prime - - - 1.7.5 - 4.6.3. - - - - Off World Prison SectorOff-World Prisons are entire planets converted to hold prisoners of all categories.Planet 0X0 (Guard Reinforcement Placement)Planet 0X1 (Guard Reinforcement Placement)Planet 0X2 (Guard Reinforcement Placement)Planet 0X3 (Guard Reinforcement Placement)Planet 0X4 (Guard Reinforcement Placement)Planet 0X5 (Guard Reinforcement Placement)000.00 (Holding)000.02 (Holding)000.03 (Holding)000.04 (Holding)000.05 (Holding)000.06 (Transfer)000.07 (Transfer)000.08 (Transfer)001.00 (Minor Offense)001.01 (Minor Offense)001.02 (Minor Offense)002.00 (Minor Offense)002.01 (Domestic Violence)003.00 (Gang Violence)003.01 (Gang Violence)003.02 (Gang Violence)003.03 (Gang Violence)003.04 (Gang Violence)004.00 (Violent Offense)004.01 (Violent Offense)005.00 (Public Indecency)005.01 (Public Indecency)005.02 (Public Indecency)005.03 (Public Indecency)005.04 (Public Indecency)005.05 (Public Indecency)006.00 (Domestic Terrorism)006.01 (Domestic Terrorism)006.02 (Domestic Terrorism)006.03 (Domestic Terrorism)006.04 (Domestic Terrorism)006.05 (Domestic Terrorism)006.06 (Domestic Terrorism)006.07 (Domestic Terrorism)007.00 (Planetary Terrorism)007.01 (Inter-Planetary Terrorism)007.02 (Corporate Terrorism / Espionage)008.00 (Death Row)008.01 (Death Row)008.02 (Death Row) The Outer TerritoriesThe Outer Territories consist of areas in the universe being charted and planets not part ofthe Galactic Council. Note: 'GCC = Galactic Council Candidate, numbered GCC planets are inthe queue for application submission to the Review Boards of the Galactic Council.Undeveloped Civilizations are few in number. Many planets run on slave economies, withhumans being the most prized possession due to their near extinct population numbers. Recent discoveries have found some untouched byadvanced technology, in fact they are comparable to the levels of Marauders from Gantun andeven earlier. Galactic Council planets are encouraged to not interact with these planets unlessthey initiate contact beforehand.NienLayteAlgol CUblars Moon 3Ga’Ri Akt-ünTem’ari Ya GCC.020Desh GCC.012Andromeda GCC.001The Glugarious SectorPlanet ZioWaeda 9Merc PlanetOsündoCatadona GCC.003LanarHur-á LäVistekCrenotiaVoltan Alpha GCC.026Voltan BetaKabraHumandliaRazjecznaHarozuno GCC.011Thespar GCC.027Stramyah GCC.004ThunrioKentoh Ayl GCC.010BocephusMavosAhborah GCC.008Gunghan AnDamunerth GCC.015Xatara GCC.024EncrotMertenKizorth GCC.025ZobossaShianonKizarth GCC.023Nirutas GCC.022YaunerethThistar GCC.021XoraTegawaSuthrah GCC.005AnadoriaCavanusOphusMostradusCora GCC.009NadroraCodanaBemoranVadoweiBalovaRoraxVinnaroth GCC.007Chimeron GCC.030OzorthMetrorden GCC.029UniganiaSinjavaZidoraFalkirkAruthohven GCC.006XecadusElliJolSkargnaYestaumRutten AhngorOnuustYanovoskaWularanValorusAlsgarth GCC.028Inidius GCC.002HaganorthLuvdaoDiterminusSpordanWeildorniaVindikonSu-DanduCustohNatocraMaochineTolosBaldoriaTukan OmegaYandancukApolUndeveloped Civilizations with Early Satellite Technology:UC-001UC-002UC-003UC-004UC-005UC-006UC-007UC-008UC-009UC-010UC-011UC-012UC-013UC-014UC-015UC-016UC-017UC-18UC-19UC-20UC-21UC-22The Endless Rift:The Endless Rift covers a vast expanse of the uncharted universe. It is often referred to as "thecorner of the universe" or "the end of the road." The area is shrouded in mystery and danger, asdevices are scrambled by powerful natural electromagnetic pulses (EMP). Visibility in this regionis minimal, with only around 10% to 13% on an average day, as recorded by the Secaro ResearchVessel of the Galactic Scientific Research Board.Anomalies have been detected near the Endless Rift using the Matrix Detection Unit (M.D.U)deployed by the Zerthün Astrographical Study. However, the region's dense clouds posesignificant risks, and current ships lack the necessary armor to withstand its unknown dangers.Dark Zones are common near the Endless Rift, further adding to its enigmatic nature. Somebelieve it marks the edge of the universe, or likening the vastness of the Rift to how a bugperceives an ocean.Written by:Members of the Galactic CharterSource: The Geo-Galactic AdministrationHeaded by: Nes Ahvinko
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