It was another day in the market. The morning was peaceful, but that was before the familiar sounds of young street children running through it started. The breeze was cool, but not cold. I was at my stall, getting ready to once again sell my wares. They weren't much, and the money that came in also wasn't much, but it kept food on the table.
I suddenly heard the sound of wings flapping through the cool spring air. I looked up and saw a dragon flying overhead; its black spikes slicing through the air and its long red body scraping the sky, graceful yet menacing. Its rider flew through the wind, grasping the reins tightly as the dragon did a barrel roll, a wide smile on the rider’s face.
He seemed to be a young boy, with tussled brown hair and light silver armor. He lowered from the clouds down to the road and slowed down. The dragon’s claws scratched against the dirt before coming to a stop. The rider hopped off and ran a hand through his hair. He approached my stall.
“Hello, young one! Might you be interested in jewels designed to protect you? Or perhaps your interests lie in a sword that keeps all enemies at bay,” I proclaimed.
He looked at me and smiled. “Nah, I just need some water for me and ol’ Vi over here. My name’s Rye by the way. What’s yours?” He said, rocking back and forth on his feet like it’d kill him if he dared to stand still.
No one has bothered to ask my name before. I’m surprised I haven’t forgotten it. “Oh, uh... It's Niva,” I muttered. “I‘ll go get that water for you and your beautiful dragon.” I went to the back part of my stall and fetched two things of water.
“Thank you, sir! You’re very kind!” Rye said, leaning on the stall. Vi snorted in agreement. Rye pet his dragon as I set the water down in front of them.
“You're welcome! I assume that you're on a journey of sorts,” I said hoping I could perhaps sell one thing before my visitor left. “I’m sure I have something that could help you along your journey.”
Rye hummed. “Perhaps I could buy a little gift. I have the money.” He muttered. He looked around my display, deep in thought. Suddenly his face lit up as his bright blue eyes landed on a purple amulet. “That!” He exclaimed, pointing at it like a child.
I smiled in a semi-smirk. I have a customer that's willing to buy a product of mine. “Alright! That would be..hmmmm....5 coins for the amulet.”
Rye smiled bright and dug into a satchel, pulling out five shiny coins and gently placing them on the table. “Here you go!” He spoke, grabbing the waters and the amulet and storing them in the satchel too. He was walking back to his dragon when he stopped and turned around. “Would you like to join me on my quest?” He asked with a sly smile and a fun look in his eyes.
“Well, perhaps if your destination is of any interest to me.” I replied, intrigued.
He smirked. “Weeeeell, I happen to be traveling to the great fairy kingdom. I, am delivering supplies as an official delivery boy.” Rye said proudly, striking a fun pose and stretching out his words dramatically.
“You seem interesting, and perhaps it is time for me to get out of this market. Especially if I'm going to the Great Fairy Kingdom,” I said. I paused for a moment as if carefully pondering my choice.” Alright, I'll go with you.” Rye jumped with excitement. “Yay! A friend!” Vi huffed on me. Rye giggled. “He likes you. Now come on!” Rye ran to his dragon’s side and hopped on it. I walked hesitantly toward the dragon, and Rye helped me up. The dragon shook a little bit as it prepared for flight and began flapping it’s wings
Suddenly, we were off the ground.
It was a strange experience flying, but it most certainly wasn't a bad one. The view was almost breathtaking and I could see the layout of the town I'd resided in since birth. As we climbed higher, the people became ants and the buildings small, square stones. It was starting to look like patchwork quilt. Like the ones I would watch my grandma sew as a young child. I miss those days. But there's no time to dwell on the past. I can see why Rye liked to fly. Not only the view, but the air itself. It was a bit chillier, but it was appealing.
The land so gradually started to change. It became less urban and transformed into a beautiful green. It was more beautiful than any emerald I had sold.
“Flying's AWESOME right?” Rye asked me.
“I suppose it is.” I replied, sneaking a smile. Rye smiled back and turned his head back around. The thick clouds cleared and revealed a great stone castle with beautiful wooden houses at the foot of it. Busy fairies buzzed around, bright glowing particles following them. The land was covered in flowers and bright green grass with dark wooden homes and tan dirt roads. The castle was grand, with many towers and tinted windows. They flew towards a dock that seemed to be made for a dragon. We landed smoothly and Rye hopped off, helping me down again as well.
Rye opened the bags at the side and grabbed two more bags from inside of it. He happily placed them beside a chest. He reached into his satchel and grabbed the amulet, holding it tight.
Rye skipped inside the castle while I followed him inside at the slower pace of a walk. Everything here was beautiful, so I wanted to enjoy the sights a bit. Unfortunately, I fell behind and then had to jog to catch up to Rye. I wonder who he was going to give the amulet to, as he had previously stated it was to be a gift.
Rye hopped up flights of stairs effortlessly, while I had more trouble. When to the top though, there awaited a door with two guards outside. I then noticed Rye was sweating. He seemed a bit nervous. Was it the guards?
“Hello sirs, it’s me, Rye!” Rye pulled out an id card of some sorts and the guards nodded their heads, one of them knocking on the door. “Your majesty, you have a visitor.”
Then it clicked in my head. It was a gift for the prince. The door opened to a handsome young man with blond hair and freckles. He had piercing amber eyes that seemed to soften at Rye, but freeze all over again at me. “I brought you a gift Andrew!” Rye held out the amulet, a giddy smile on his face. Andrew nodded towards Rye and took the necklace, observing it for a moment, then looking back up. “Who is this?” Andrew asked politely.
“He’s my new friend! His name Is-” Rye started excitedly.
“Niva. It's nice to meet you, your majesty.” I said in a polite, yet cautious manner. I could sense that the prince, Andrew, was wary of me. “A pleasure to meet you as well. It’s nice Rye is making friends.” We three stood there awkwardly for a moment. Rye smiling, nervous but genuine. Me, trying not to break in front of the prince, and the prince staring regally at me and Rye.
“You’re lucky my parents aren’t here at the moment. Bring a stranger in around them and they’d have your head.” Andrew began, finally relaxing and smiling at Rye. That seemed to calm Rye down, as h laughed and I watched, enticed. Rye went up to the prince and hugged him tight. “Do you like my gift?” He asked. “Indeed, I do, Rye.” Andrew replied, patting Rye’s back.
Rye let go. “Well, we should be off. Seeya later Andy!” Andrew waved goodbye. I followed Rye as he walked away, a joyous grin on his face.
We travel down the stairs. I descended on the actual stairs, but Rye slid down the rails. Somehow, he didn't fall off and jumped off the rail. He’s definitely done that before. After a bit of walking (and mixture of walking and skipping from Rye), we were back at the place where we had left Vi.
Vi greeted us with a snort.
“Hello, Vi,” I said. Rye was much more enthusiastic. “Hello my precious baby boy!” Rye held Vi’s head to his own and Vi grunted and closed his eyes, seeming to accept the act of affection. Rye leapt out of the odd hug and onto Vi’s back. I once again needed help from Rye, but once we were both on, Vi took off almost immediately.
“Where are we headed next?” I asked, feeling the wind in my hair. “To explore the town of course!” Rye replied, turning to look at me with a playful look in his eye.
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