In the year 2500. Hell unleashed its citizens on the world of the living. Completely wiping out over 60% of the human population within the first two months. True to their name, The Elemental Gods of Heaven granted the remaining humans the ability to fight back. These abilities were split into five categories.
The power to control one of the four main elements. And most of their subcategories. Such as Ice or Lightning.
Spirit Animals.
A relationship between humans & beasts that allows the user to obtain the evolutionary traits of any one animal.
Divine Weapons
Forged within Heaven itself. These weapons can be more powerful than any present day artillery..
A non-combative ability that anybody can develop based on their past experiences, present needs, and future goals.
And lastly Curses.
Curses are stronger than anything in the world. Although they are powerful, they require taxes that normal people cannot pay. And as a result, it can possibly kill the user.
Even with these new found abilities. It’s only a matter of time until their existence will completely be erased. But little do they know. They were given another blessing. In the form of two little girls.
This is A Ray of Hope
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