It was my job to watch over what was going on. It would be my job until I could get my freedom. I sat on the very top of the ship an observation deck. From what I could see we had a few more hours before I would have to speak to the captain. I stood looking through the glass that surrounded me. This was my job my space to be completely myself. I took in the sites and prepared myself for what would come next.
I closed my eyes and concentrated. This wasn't hard I had been doing it my entire time on this ship. It had been a little bit about three years since I had been captured. I had been spared because I saved this ship from destruction. There was an AI failure and I navigated us around the problem. The captain was pleased enough that I didn't get the same treatment as the other slaves on this ship. Taking a deep breath I opened my eyes to the universe.
With each star came its own light, own power, and energy that I could tap into. Feeling the vibrations and the heat of each star, planet, and universe out there. If I wanted to, I could go even further. It was almost as If I was flying through the universe. Taking a look at what amazing wonders it had to offer. Lightweight and almost like I was floating I could stretch my mind and body to reach out to the galaxy. My eyes could see the nebula's filled with remarkable color and bright power. Then the suns, the planets, and each galaxy they dwelled within. Each planet containing a different life a chance for more. The planets had their moons some with rings around them. Those that seemed to have life and others that seemed like a cold barren wasteland. Then, as if to sense my sorrows for the planets with no life. I traveled further and found a recently born star. Its light was bright and I could see it pull the large planets that lay dormant. It was magnificent watching the small solar system be born. It would take billions of years before that planet with its sun may be inhabitable but life was there. I drank in the energy that the new sun filled me with.
I could feel someone walking underneath the observatory I was in. I closed my eyes adjusting to the dull light that a nearby sun created. While the light was bright my room was completely dark. It was made that way so I could see everything. I heard someone start up the ladder to me. I turned with my back facing the ladder. My eyes hadn't adjusted back yet and I didn't want anyone to see that. I could hear the automatic floor remove over the ladder as someone's head popped up. I watched the reflection of the glass, my eyes hadn't reverted. So I stayed standing with my back to the person.
"Captain wants you on the main deck. Better hurry he's not in a good mood today." I sighed and turned to the man who entered. He looked at me and suppressed emotion. For a flash of a second, I could see maybe fear or curiosity. I couldn’t tell because he hid it so quickly
"Shall I follow you?" I asked looking away from him.
"Sure." He said dropping down the ladder. I followed him down, It was a short climb down. I turned after stepping down the last bit of the ladder and followed the man that had come to get me. He was wearing a normal suit for space attire. It was all black, except for the dark blue streaks that came down his arms and the side of his legs. He wore light armor that covered his chest and shoulders. With a utility belt and a plasma pistol on his hip. This was a guard, I had seen them before outside the deck. I was wearing something similar to him. Only in white. Mine was like his covering my entire body. There were black lines where my armor connected to the inner part of my suit. It was meant to cover everything down to my fingertips. The white gloves on my hand covered all my skin. My neck was free and so was my face. Long black hair cascaded down my back and hovered right above my rear. It was the only thing that distinguished me from the other people on this ship. That and my eyes, they would always catch attention.
The hallway between me and the main deck wasn't that far. The captain's quarters were on this floor too. I walked quietly I hadn't checked our course so I had no idea what to report to the captain. I would have to look at everything while I was on the main deck. that made me nervous. I didn't like using my ability in front of people. It usually made me very uncomfortable. That and people could be distracting while they stared. The hallway was simple. White with a blue set of lights above each door. The hallway was lit up by a bright yellow-based light. It was white and very boring. Each room had a metal placard that said the name of the person who lived there or the reason for that room. I turned my attention back to the man before me, he nodded to the guards and walked through the door. I kept looking straight knowing that I would need to put on a blank face before reaching the captain.
The main deck had many parts to it. It was rectangular in shape except for the front. It had a rounded shape where a large window was. This window was also a computer that would light up and show the correct path. However, knowing that I would be in this room the captain knew the window would have to only show space. Before that, though there were a right and a left wall. Both sides were lined with different computer systems AI counterparts and all sorts of different things I didn't understand. This was about three steps higher than the main attack and defense floor. Then up two steps leading to the captain's chair where he had different holograms showing him the way to our destination. In front of him was an open space where the large rounded window stood.
When we walked in the room got incredibly silent. My guide slipped off to the left to resume his post guarding the room. I walked down the first three steps making my way through a pathway to the captain's chair. I leaned down and performed a slight bow. Taking my right hand and creating a sideways "L" I slid that across where my heart would be and let it rest on my left shoulder closing my hand with only my thumb on my chest. This was the typical way of greeting a captain. Called the Legions resistance, it was also something Captain Forges insisted on.
"Orion, I expected you sooner." The captain's voice seemed disembodied and echoed through the entire room. I straightened up and walked up the steps and stopped behind his chair entering his peripheral but not stepping in front of him.
"My apologies it seemed I was searching a bit too far this time." He nodded and turned looking at me.
"With your ability, I could imagine how tempting it would be to look even further. Have you found an end to it yet?" His question wasn't one I expected but I knew how to answer it.
"Life continues. I have yet to see any sort of end to this magnificent place." I said my voice clear. I looked up and saw the stars before us. We had traveled quite a distance in the past day. We were reaching the end of what I predicted yesterday.
"Well then let us hope it does continue. I can see you're distracted, would you like to take a look?" The captain was always fascinated by the way I saw things.
If he had it his way he'd have me strapped up and studying me like a lab rat while I looked out into the universe. Luckily without me, they wouldn't be able to traverse the universe. I was the only guidance this ship had at the moment. Until they landed on a planet that they could safely sell slaves they weren't going to risk it. Repairing a navigational system is just what the COR was searching for. Court of Righteousness, approved by the SUS Solar United Society they kept the order within the universe. Or at least that was their goal. COR was hunting this particular ship, around the time they got hit I was still being treated like a slave. There was a skirmish and I became the navigator as it ended up damaged in the battle. Their navigational system was completely down and repairs would require them to land. So I was used, had it not been for me telling them to avoid a certain black hole we would all be dead. My reward well, this.
"If you don't mind captain I would like to yes," I replied taking a step forward. He stood and moved aside so that I could stand with my eyes facing the universe. I moved to the center of the room I could hear the captain mumble some words about using the deck as a hologram to show what we were navigating through.
"Alright, Orion the deck is yours." The captain said the moment he said that the room changed completely. The lights of the ship turned off and the ship hummed. The whole room changed. The cloaking device could be used to project what was going on outside. This way the captain and the crew could see the path ahead. Taking a deep breath I stretched out my mind and body. Feeling energy within me that was searching for something. Opening my eyes I could feel the room standstill as I looked onwards. The captain shuffled and put a pair of spectacles over my eyes. It wouldn't hinder my sight, but project what I was looking at around the room.
"Orion, the room will stay silent until you are done showing us what you can see. Are you ready?" I nodded the concentration that was required of me was wavering ever so slightly. I chose to remain silent as I pushed again. My eyes adjusted once again and I looked to the stars. I looked diligently and focused on our destination With no focus on the room around me I stared on. The universe came into focus and I had to pull myself into where we were before continuing. The galaxy we were in was called a spiral it rotated around a central place. Usually a large star or a dying one. This ability of mine would start me in strange places but normally outside of the current galaxy I was in. The one we were in was in a star shape and had six different prongs where other planets and miniature universes existed. At the top prong of the star was an indent in the star cluster. I looked into that closing in on our general area and found myself at the start of the ship. With a planet to my right, I looked forward to the direction that we would be heading. Finding a few planets in our path I stopped at a particular one noticing something odd on the surface. I turned looking closer at the planet and to my surprise found a small outpost for the SUS. I took a moment to gather my surroundings and spoke.
"Orion we have the info we need now find a way around that planet." He said.
Following his orders, I backed up a little so that the planet was a small bright light in the distance. Looking to the left I took into view a large asteroid field. This would be a last resort option, above was a particularly large sun that would cause problems with our devices working. Traveling past the sun could be an option but solar flares are unpredictable and deadly. Looking below I found another planet with a fairly large outpost for the SUS. This was a perfect place to build this type of almost blockade. We could go around the asteroid bunch but, turning to the asteroid field I had little hope that we could make it without rations running out. I looked at the sun and watched it. The flares that came off this sun were erratic and large. It was frequent and quite dangerous. I turned frustrated with the situation looking at the gas giant I pondered how long it would be to get to the planet and where the radars for the two SUS planets would be located at the time. I waited and came with a solution.
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