Mal ran as fast as she could, she couldn’t be late for the first day of school. She made it to the school bus, “Right on time Mal!” Her friend Savannah said as Mal plopped in her bus seat, exhausted. “Yeah ‘Right on time’ Papyrus REALLY took his time to make lunch even though I specifically told him I could just buy lunch” Mal replied as she dug in her backpack showing Savannah the spaghetti her brother had made. “Spaghetti again? Wow, Paps really only knows spaghetti” Said her friend Aven, turning her head towards the spaghetti. Mal laughed it off, Aven WAS right. The bus pulled up at her school, Saint James Middle School. “The good news is Paps graduated last year, so we get a table all to ourselves!” Mal cheered as the girls did their three way handshake. “LOOK OUT!” Yelled a student as her bike pulled up and almost hit Mal as she tumbled backwards. “Oh shoot! My bad!” The girl said as she took off her helmet, revealing her big bushy hair and helped Mal up. “No, no its ok! At least my brother isn’t here!” Mal reassured her. “You mean Sans Skeletoni? My friend Sash is his girlfriend, so I think it’ll be fine.” The girl said “My names Anne, Anne Boonchuy” she said, shaking Mal's hand. “Well I’m Malorie Skeletoni, but you can call me Mal. And these are my friends Aven Chegung and Savannah Ashton.” Mal replied as the school bell rang, the four students said goodbye as they rushed to class.
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