I wondered up the stairs to my apartment trying a few times to get my keys in the door eventually it worked and I got the door open wondering the dark flat shutting the door behind me I grabbed a half full bottle of beer from the table taking a swig of it before turning to the open bedroom door
“Oh hello Thomas didn't know you was still wake” I giggle
“HI!” he says in shock clearly he hadn’t seen I was here “I-I thought you went out tonight?” he asked
“I did, Im back” I laugh going and leaning on his bedroom door he was sat in his bed with his lamp on the duvet tucked up tightly around him a couple used tissues on his bedside table a load of dirty clothes scattered across the carpet I did notice a little bottle on his table but of what I couldn’t see “what smells like, Candles, sweat and sex?” I ask
“Uhhhh I dont know” He blushes so I smirk having another swig of the beer bottle I heard a little noise and when I looked back the little bottle was gone he had clearly hidden it away
“WHatcha doing up this late anyway?” I laugh
“Uhhhh Nothing” he answers
“Hu...okay, has issy been round?” I ask
“No why?” he asks
“well smells like sex in the flat and you look sheepish, sooooo fuck your ex again?” I giggle
“It was once” he complains
“Fine” I laugh going in and sitting with him on his bed
“what are you doing?” he asks me very worried as I leaned my head on his shoulder snuggling there happily “are you drunk?” he asks me
“I maybe be tispy” I giggle snuggling more on his neck and I then noticed “why are you shirtless its like three degrees outside?” I ask him
“Uhhhhhhh I Uhhh I was uh....I ran out of clothes?” he says
“whatever tommy” I giggle as I found his tv remote in the bed “ohh whats on the telly” I giggle turning the tv back on to whatever channel it was on before
“and now we return to Hut tub love here on the porn channel” the continuity announcer says on the TV
“Uhhh Ohhh ohhh Ohhhh!” a porn star screams on the TV as she got fucked against a hot tub wall by some huge guy
“theres a porn channel?” I ask “I thought that was something you had to actively search for I didn't know they are just like playing porn 24 hours a day on a dedicated channel” I sigh
“yeah, theres a anal channel too and a blow job network” he explains
“really?” i ask kinda surprised “how would you know tommy” I giggle
“I _i was Uh---- I was uh....looking.....out of, curiosity” he stutters
“okay tommy” I giggle hugging him tightly as I watched the tv
“what are we doing?” he asks
“what! cant two roommates have a drunken snuggle while watching the porn channel?” I giggle “relax thomas I know you where jerking off, its kinda obvious” I giggle
“Uhhhh No I wasn’t” he blushes
“bullshit” I smirk moving his duvet revealing his completely naked body as his still hard cock “new it” I giggle hugging him tighter “how long?” I ask
“since you left” he blushed
“thomas, you have your own room just do it while I’m here you dont have to wait till I go out” I laugh “really what was taking you so dam long?” I ask “I’ve been gone three hours” I laugh
“I take a long time” he sighs “this is three anyway, I’ve already had two” he sighs indicating to the used tissues on his table “and I ran out of lube half way though the first one” he sighs
“aww poor tommy, Is he gweting frustrated with his penis” I giggle
“yes!” he sighs
“hang on” I getting up and going into my room grabbing a few little bits and bobs and going back sitting beside him “here, it’s full I think” I laugh handing him a bottle of lube from my room “you can use my Netflix, porn with no wired caravan and erectile dysfunction adds” I smile sorting my laptop for him “if you get stuck, here” I say handing my ex boyfriends vibrator that he used to never use here “have fun” I giggle giving his cheek a kiss and going to the door
“whats the catch?” he asks
“what?” I laugh
“you would not be this nice to me unless there was some odd catch to it” he sighs
“no catch, you dont bother me when I masturbate why would I bother you?” I ask
“I didnt even know you did?” he laughs
“what do you think i’m doing with godless on a super loud volumes with my fan on in the middle of winter?” I laugh
“Ohhh that makes alot more sense then what I thought you where doing” he laughs “which bits of godless?” he asks me
“just the whitey episodes thomas” I laugh going back to my room so I laughed sitting back in my room getting my phone it already telling me what he’s watching on Netflix
“How much porn do you have on here!” he yelled from the other oom
“lots, theres a good mix some new plot driven stuff, some kinky shit, I think there a couple porno’s from like 70′s on there” I shout back “theres also both fithy shades on there” I tell him
I sat for a while a little bored not wanting to sleep so I giggle checking my phone again but it said Netflix on my laptop is not in use....but I can hear him, what is he doing? so I look around and find Netflix is not in use on laptop, but goggle photo is so I giggle being a little nosy I have a look what he’s looking at, a image of me in some sexy linquire I bought a while back I dont know why I have that photo other then like....emergency need a sexy image kinda events, so I giggle getting out of bed and going back to his room
“HEY! you said you went going to bother me!” he complains
“I changed my mind” I giggle sitting at the end of his bed looking at him
“where are you going with this?” he asks very confused
“I wanna watch” I giggle
“you what?” he ask very lost
“I wanna watch” I laugh “I saw what you where looking at” I giggle “I still have that stuff If that makes it easier?” I laugh and he just blushes like crazy and nods so I went back to my room changing into that stuff I have and going and leaning on his door
“OHH fuck!” he moans and I could only giggle watching his hand going like crazy under the bed sheet so I giggle stepping over to him and sitting on his thighs cuddling closely to him intentionally pressing my half naked body against him his hand still going like crazy under me
“come on tommy I wanna watch, I cant see anything under there” i giggle giving his lips a tiny kiss and his hand instantly stopped moving “come on let me see” I giggle
“your too late, Im done” he groans so I giggle moving back the duvet and he was telling the truth he had cum it sticking to the duvet and to him “I came when you kissed me” he blushed
“its fine, this was fun, we should do it again sometime” I laugh getting off him and giving him another little kiss
“again?” he blushed
“yep, got the stamina to jerk again tomorrow night?” I ask leaning on his door
“yeah” he blsuhed
“okay, see you tomorrow night then” i smirk going back to my room
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