For as long as I can remember my father, mother, siblings and nannies had always warned me of going to far north. The thick woods and misted mountains always filled me with fear, as if I was being watched and tracked as I moved.
I knew little about the race of people known simply as the Vampir, I knew only stories and what others had told me.
"They're a race of cabalistic monsters"
"More animal then human"
"There savages"
All I really knew first hand was what I had seen of the king of there people in the few times he has visited, he was a strong man with dark hair but I remember little else.
Once morning I was called to the council hall they where discussing an attack, a murder something was wrong.
I could feel the electricity in the air as our kingdom sat on the brink of war, until my father turned to me with a grave look on his face.
"Y/n, my sweetiest daughter, I have a very important job for you my dear" he smiled caressing my cheek
"Of course father what is it?"
"You must act as my union with the northern most kingdom before this war engulfs us to and we fight each other" he explained
"What do you mean?"
"If we where to fight any army with the Vampir against us we would surely be in ruin, so you my daughter must he the union between our people, you must Marry the Vampri princes"
"As you wish father" I nodded sadly, it broke my heart but I knew I had to do what was best for my kingdom and for my people.
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