The wind blew heavily around the outdoor set. A man wearing thigh high purple boots, a purple vest over a purple corset with fishnet stockings under a thin short purple leather skirt stood on stage. His purple painted lips pouted as his curly purple hair framed both sides of his face, flipped up in a fish tail at the back of his head, the rest spilling out down his back from the top of the braid. As the vocalist of the band Apocrypha, he stretched his vocal cords with the mic in his hand. "Nusumi miru..." he began but he was quickly cut off as the lead guitarist wrapped an arm around his shoulders and pulled him over to the other side of the stage.
His band, Apocrypha, had been around for a month and they already were in talks with the hottest label in Japan, Voodoo Doll Records, run by a mysterious Jrocker who never showed his face. The band was on their latest one man live in the outdoor venue TAKAOBA 8. The concert was called Gemstones Of Lover, and each band member had a different color scheme.
"Takafumi! Takafumi! Look! The new equipment just got here!" this from the seemingly ever happy LG called Nihit. Nihit was dressed in a black corset with red lace stockings and six inch heeled red pumps. He wore a tight fitting pair of red panties covered by an extremely short red leather skirt. His lips were painted red, his red hair was layered and it fell over his left eye, the rest shaved on the right side. His eyes were accented with a lighter red and he stared excitedly at the vocalist, Ver-S. Nihit pointed as the stage crew brought over several shiny new guitars and a new drumkit. The other band members had yet to arrive so Ver-S wasn't too concerned with looking at their instruments yet. His own mic was shaped like a dragon claw clutching a ruby and he had no need for another one.
"Stop calling me Takafumi, Nihit, my name is Ver-S. Ok?" the vocalist frowned at his band mate as the excitable mad man bounced away.
"Whatever you say Taka-S!!"
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