If you continue reading this book (and maybe you should not), you will find satires. Working from the source materials of other Tapas novels, three obnoxious aliens express their critiques and riff on what they read. The source materials do get used with permission of their generous creators, and those creators retain all intellectual property rights to those texts and all works derived from them. The three aliens originate from the Alien Fiction series and are thus covered by a Creative Commons license. Please see the Alien Fiction books for license details.
This book is tagged with the Nov18WritersCamp label. This book is not intended for competition (and not eligible) of the any of the Writers Camp prizes. “Why use the tag?” you might ask. That tag is in place because this book is a small piece of the community event which is the November 2018 Writers Camp. Multiple novels used as source materials were created for the Writers Camp in conjunction with National Novel Writing Month, 2018. Any publicity and support for these deserving Tapas novels and novellas is helpful to the author.
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