Coraline academy. A school for delinquents and “the unstable”. I'm one of the “unstable”. According to Mum and Dad i just need to “get away”. Of course they do this to me whenever i come out to them as gay. I didn't come out on purpose it was an accident. My father was making homophobic jokes and I decided I’d say something…
2 hours earlier…
“Honey come on down, our show is on” dance dance is a show that's been very popular and me and my parents have taken quite a liking to it. I ran down the steps and took my spot on the couch. The television had announced the next duo. ‘Next up we’re happy to announce our next pair… Marcus and Luoi’ the two boys came out on stage in a shimmering rainbow outfit. “ what is this? Are they gay” my dads Booming voice burst into a laugh as the pair introduced themselves and their performance. The music started and so did the Duo. they finished and did their personal introduction and the judges gave then a score. At the end of the show the rainbow Duo won and my father Blurted out in his booming laugh “ It's no surprise those faggots won!” “you known you shouldn't refer to your son as a “faggot” dad”
My father immediately snapped his mouth shut and my mum whipped her head toward me. “what was that” “nothing, nevermind, forget it” I was panicking but i couldn't show them that, they’d know immediately if i did panic. “Honey please is there something me and your Father need to know.” “it's nothing mum, just drop it” “ boy did you just say what i think you did” “no I-” “go to your room now” ‘great’ i rise from the couch and head to my room, but i stop i decide to hide and listen to what my mum and dad have to say. “What are we gonna do harry he's our son.” my mums soft voice was reassuring. “Listen hun there's this school for delinquents and the different kids who are wrong they can help him there.” she wouldn't “so what do we do notify the school” she is “no the school is at least and hour away” we’ll go to talk to the principal in person. Tell him to pack a bag.” i heard my mum’s footsteps coming up the steps and i bolted to my room and layed on my bed as if i’d been there the whole time and got on my phone. “Honey pack a bag for a couple nights.” “why Mum” “honey me and your father want to get you help.” here we go.
And now we’re here. Sitting in front of Coraline academy.
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