Chapter 0: Exposition (you can skip this chapter if you want)
Chapter 0: Exposition (you can skip this chapter if you want)
Jun 30, 2022
The following is an explanation of the system that is used in the world of this series. Reading through this entire section isn't necessary for reading this series, but it helps to keep track of how strong the characters are in terms of stats. It's also a convenient place for me to remember it.
Vitatily: Coresponds to max health, regeneration, and stamina.
Intelligence: Coresponds to memory, processing power, mana capacity, and mana regeneration.
Perception: Coresponds to all senses and reaction speed.
Strength: Coresponds to physical strength and durability.
Agility: Coresponds to body control, speed, fine motor skills, and stealth.
Defence: Coresponds to damage reduction against normal and elemental attacks.
Level 1-20: The level of ordinary civilians, animals, and weak monsters.
Level 21-50: The level of common monsters and rookie adventurers. The level when you choose a class. Access to basic and tier 1 magic.
Level 51-100: The level of monsters that are considered dangerous to unprotected settlements and most adventurers. The level when you can evolve your class for the first time. Access to tier 2 and 3 magic.
Level 101-200: The level of monsters considered dangerous to human settlements and skilled adventurers. Access to tier 4 and 5 magic.
Level 201-500: The level of monsters that can level an ordinary city given enough time. Only the best adventurers reach this level. Access to tier 6 and 7 magic.
Level 501-1000: The level of monsters beyond current human compression. Those that reach this level can alter vast areas with a single attack, and can destroy entire nations on their own. Access to tier 8 and 9 magic.
Classes are what determine an individuals abilities and atributes. Unless you have a racial class, you choose your class through some sort of trial at level 20. Once you reach level 50 your class undergoes a change to suit you individually. Your class evolves every time you hit a major level milestone. Classes can also be evolved and upgraded through extreme circumstances, or special trials.
Class Types
Mage: These classes focus on attack, elemental, and control magic. High intelligence and perception, but low defence, strength and vitality.
Support: These classes focus on support magic like buffs, debuffs, production, and healing. Various stat distributions.
Scout: These classes focus around stealth, speed, and weak points. High agility and perception, but low defence an vitality.
Fighter: These classes focus around high physical damage output. High strength and agility, low intelligence.
Tank: These classes focus on defending against attacks and diverting the enemies attention. High vitality, strength, and defense, low agility and intelligence.
Racial: These are the classes that are given to certain creatures at birth. Typically monsters will have a racial class.
Special: This category includes anything outside the other categories. Generally highly specialized or mixed classes.
Magic Tiers
Basic: Magic at this level is less effective than tiered magic, but doesn't require a magic circle and is cast instantly. The effect of this magic is directly proportional to the ammout of mana used in it. Basic magic is often what is used in passive effects. This is the only magic non sapient monsters can use.
Tier 1: Magic at this level is generally fairly weak, fast and easy to cast, and has a very low mana cost. Requires one magic circle.
Tier 2: Magic at this level has stronger effects than tier 1, but is also more difficult to cast. Requires two magic circles.
Tier 3: Magic at this level is stronger than tier 2 and can affect an area rather than a single target. Requires three magic circles.
Tier 4: Magic at this level is stronger than tier 3 and can affect larger areas and target specific places within that area. Requires four magic circles.
Tier 5: Magic at this level is stronger than tier 4 and affects a greater area. Magic at this level can be used to resurrect the dead within a certain time frame. Requires five magic circles.
Tier 6: Magic at this level is large enough to affect an entire city, and reshape the landscape to a certain extent. Generally several minutes to cast. Requires six magic circles.
Tier 7: Magic at this level is more powerful than tier 6, and can target places hundreds of kilometers away. Generally requires a few hours to cast. Requires seven magic circles.
Tier 8: Magic at this level is more potent than tier 7, and can create large scale permanent effects such as creating a volcano or a never ending blizzard. Generally requires a minimum of 12 hours to cast. Requires eight magic circles.
Tier 9: Magic at this level changes the world itself with every cast. Generally requires a minimum or 24 hours to cast. Requires nine circles.
Tier 10: Magic at this level can easily grant you the power of a God temporarily. Requires multiple tier 9 casters and several days of constant focus to complete and cast.
Passive: These skills are usually constant effects, resistances, or auras. They don't use mana, but are weaker than active skills of the same rank.
Active: These skills are usually attack skills, buff skills, or healing skills. They require mana and usually have a time limit, but are more powerful than a passive skill of the same rank.
Class: These skills are received from your class and are synergistic with your other abilities.
Racial: These skills are something shared by an entire race, and are usually a passive bonus.
Other: These are skills gained through means other than level up and race. They can be obtained through skill stones, equipment, or special circumstances.
Titles are stat boosts and abilities that are granted based on achievements. The greater the achievement, the more powerful the title is. Some titles are granted based on class or race.
Ranks exist to define the quality of skills, classes, and items. The ranks range from E to SSS, the higher the rank is, the stronger the skill, class, or item is.
Murdered by her best friend, Asteria wakes up in the body of a child with a system interface in front of her. But before she can get her bearings, she's attacked by unknown assailants!
Follow the story of Asteria as she tries to make her second chance at life worth it.
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