Here we go once again walking back home in middle of the night.
almost midnight!, for god sake i hate my job, too much work, Tired and sleepy he ran out of options again
park bench my friend we meet again!, Sleep here is nothing new to him cold of the night is what kept him sleep.
The day is not so different so cold yet not a single snowflakes has dropped.
the TARDIS why is here?, is it real?, am i hallucinating again?, No you don't my friend, reggady man is that you?,
Yes i am i'm your reggady man, His tears are racing down his face like a river. under his feet formed a little pond.
you are back, Of course i'm back, How can i forget my little boy, it's been so long, I'm sorry, where has you been, Well honestly i travel a lot, it's alright i forgive you, I'm think you might hug me too tight, i'm sorry i just miss you so much!, So how long been i gone?, 12 years, so why you here just passed by and came to say hi?,
Nah i'm planning to do more than just that, so what is it?, Fantastic, see those star in the sky we're going to save them all, up and away above the sky i'm ready, i'm so excited, Fantastic so here we go, goodbye america!, Next stop: everywhere,
doctor what we're going to do, doctor? doctor!!, Dude Why Do You Have To Scream?, A woman voice asking gently. who are you? why you here?, Well I Kinda Live Here And I'm Josephine, and why that pigeon wear a fez?, This Is Clara My Impossible Girl, well sorry about the scream, i just you know, Jealous Of Your Dream?, And What Your Name, you already know who i am!, I Am?, i'm just an idiot in a box with a screwdriver, and i almost late for work again!, goodbye Josephine goodbye clara, Good Luck With Your Day, Idiot He crack a smile a thing he almost forgot, than he proceeded to walk in tired-ish way possible to his office, Than all the sudden everything black out, Dude Is Your Alright? I'm Coming!, Her scream panicky!. Like everyone should do, am i dead finally, wait my family! They need me, Good Luck For You Pal!, thanks for worrying about me it very kind, Is It Just A Prank? Why Did You Done It?, believe me it real i barely rest, Should I Carry You To Work? It Seems Needed?, how pathetic i am, but i can walk there myself, Fine But You Should Rest More I Hear People Can Die by It, silly me silly old idiot I'll try my best, For Some One This Young You Act So Old, goodbye once more,
He made it now time to work. And pray for no overtime job. But luck never been on his side.
pa, ma, i finally made another friend, i wish you both can see her, sToP tAlKiNg tO a pIcTuRe aNd bAcK tO wOrK, yes boss i'll do my best!, now what next?, another paper work, for god sake where these paper pile came from?, i don't even finish yesterday job, 3 Hours later. it lunch time, finally! time to rest, now let's see what cafeteria have for today, pasta, salad, and burrito, that nice, the burritos so tasty now time to nap, zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz
wAkE uP!! bAcK tO wOrK nOw!, sorry boss i do my best, another 5 hours of work, let start i need to be quick,
This is his average day of his life. Ton of paper work. Eyes barely open. fingers feel fragile. Then everything. restarted.
come on miss the bus again, walk again am i not tired enough?, for god sake i want to go on vacation,
i'm gonna be late for my cozy bed, for god sake i hate parkbench it too small, finally i at the park entrance now where is my bench, why they can't make it bigger, Idiot Sleep Like That Is Bad For Your Body You Know, hello there Josephine, Looks Like You Love It Here Pal, only because it pasted my bedtime that it, Your Sure You Came Here Almost Everyday, i'm trying to sleep no more time to talk, Well Than Goodnight, It Was Time To Sleep, It So Cold,
Dreamless sleep. Floating in the void. Motionless no more worries. This is home.
About Yesterday When You Said Family, You Sound So Worried What Happened?, my parents and i are the only one left, What About Your Cousins?, they all gone, there's is a war that we loss, War With Whom?, ourselves, the end of the last great civil war, everyone loss, my parents trying to stop it, now them have cancer because of it, sometime i wonder what would happen if i interfere,How Can You Bear It All Alone, It must Been A Torture To You, that why we have a friends, to share the suffering with each other, only if i have a friends, Is There Anything I Could Help?, I'll Do My Best, thank you this is the nicest thing I've ever had, Josephine do you have a friends?, A Friend?, I Not Sure If I Can Call They Friend, After All I Barely Knew They, understandable, hey Josephine are you hungry yet?, Little Bit, Why You Ask?, i'm just going to buy a breakfast that why, Thanks,
Everybody knows everyone needs a friend. But nobody knows it like him.
The beginning of this stories, a man who forgot his name, crossed paths with stranger, a lady who have a pigeon as a pet, what would happen is unknown, but surely not for long,
There is a stories of a man who goes by the name that is long forgotten, the stories that even time can't change, and it goes like this, there once was a man who keeps running, looking for those who are in need, he never stops he never ask to be thank, all he asks is a friends, everybody knows everyone needs a friend but nobody knows it like him, the void is calling but he can't answer it yet,
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