It was 5:50 am, my alarm was blaring, yelling at me to wake up. I didn't want to get out of bed, but I knew I had to. Today is my first day of school. I start my freshman year of high school today. They say that high school's both the best and worst years of your life, but I'm gonna make it the best. I got up, made my bed, and made my way downstairs to eat my breakfast.
"Looks like someone's finally up."
"Hi, mom." I sat down at the table, and my mom gave me my breakfast.
"Here you go, your favorite. French toast with a glass of milk."
"Thanks mom."
"You're welcome."
I knew that my mom always made the best French toast, so I didn't waste any time not in eating it. After I ate my breakfast I drank the glass of milk my mom gave me, I then headed upstairs to get ready for school.
After I took a shower I put on my school uniform. I had to wear a burgundy polo with school's crest, a matching plaid skirt with burgundy stockings. I quickly fixed up my hair and put on my makeup. I checked the time and saw that my bus would be here any minute I grabbed my phone that I left plugged in so that the battery would be fully charged.
I was in such a rush that I forgot to tell my mom something important. I made it to the bus just in time. I waved 'goodbye' to my mom, and took my seat on the bus. I knew it was going to be a long bus ride, so I decided to put on my earphones and listen to some music.
When we finally got to school I grabbed my things and headed into the building. But on my way there I bumped into someone. We both fell on the concrete parking lot ground. "Ouch!" The girl shouted. I stood up and began to apologize to the girl. I stretched my hand out to help her up.
"I-I'm so sorry. Are you okay?"
"Yeah, I'm okay." She replied as she stood up.
"Ouch, maybe I'm not okay." She said as she looked at her arm. "Ssss, ah, that hurts."
"We should probably go to the nurse."
"Yeah." We both walked inside the school and searched for the nurse's office. But we couldn't find it.
"Excuse me." We turned around and saw a woman with short blond hair and blue eyes, and she wore what seemed to be a nurse's uniform.
"Are you two lost?"
"Actually, yes, we're looking for the nurse. You wouldn't happen to be her."
"Yes, I am."
"Great, because I need immediate attention." The girl said still holding her arm.
"What happened?"
"I accidentally bumped into her on my way here."
"Well, let me have a look." The nurse took a look at the girl's injury, and said it was nothing serious. Immediately I was relieved. The nurse took the girl to her office to treat her injury. I told her 'goodbye' and headed to the gym.
When I got there I saw so many people. It seemed impossible for them all to fit in this one room. "Alright everybody take a seat!" I heard a voice say. Of course I did what I was told, everyone else seemed to do the same. At the front of the room was a podium with a microphone, and what seemed to be a man standing behind it.
"Good morning everyone!" We all replied 'good morning' to the man. "My name is Tyler Martin, and I am your school principle. I am proud to announce that this is the future graduating class of 2018! Now I understand that being a freshman is not easy, the first year of high school is not always easy. But I hope that you all will do excellent job, and make your parents proud of you!"
His speech seemed to run on forever, until finally. "And here is Mrs. Dolly your Guidance Counselor." We all clapped to welcome her.
"Hello, my name is Marie Dolly and I am the school Guidance Counselor. I will in charge of making sure you guys have all your high school credits, everything is in order, and I also help you guys decide what college you want to go to. And I just want you guys to know that I am here for you in case you ever need to talk to someone or need to get something off your chest. You can always come to me."
After she was done her speech we got our class schedules for the year. After everybody got their schedules they went to their lockers to put their textbooks in. When I got to my locker I started putting all my books in my locker.
"Oh, what do ya know? We're locker buddies." I looked to where the voice was coming from and saw it was the same girl from this morning.
"Hey, it's you."
"Yeah it's me."
"Oh, how's your arm?"
"She said it'll be fine, nothin' serious."
"Oh, that's good, and again I'm sorry for what happened."
"Ah, don't worry about it. So you goin' home?"
"Home?" "Yeah, home."
"Why would I go home?"
"Because today was just orientation. School doesn't start till tomorrow."
"What?!" School didn't start till tomorrow? Was that true?
"Yeah school doesn't start till tomorrow, today was orientation. Didn't you see it on the calendar?"
"Yeah, I did. Oh, that's what I forgot. I knew it was something."
"This morning, I forgot to tell my mom to pick me up."
"Can't you call her and tell her to pick you up?"
"I can't she's working til 5."
"Where do you live?"
"Yeah, why?"
"I live there too."
"Yeah, my brother and I can take you home."
"Your brother?"
"Yeah, he just got a job as one of the athletic coaches here."
I couldn't believe it she was offering to give me a ride home even after I hurt her. "So what do ya say?"
"I would love to, but--"
"Great! It's settled I'll let my brother know, meet us outside in the parking lot."
"But wait I--"
"Oh, by the way, my name is Alexis. You?"
"Great nice to meet you." She walked away, and I continued to put my books in my locker. I decided to message my mom to let her know what happened.
After I was done with my locker I walked out the nearest door to the parking lot and looked for Alexis and her brother.
"Hey! Athena!" I looked towards the voice to see Alexis waving at me. I ran over to greet her.
"Hey, you ready?"
"Oh, this is my brother Bryan." He stretched out his hand for me to shake.
"Hi, pleasure to meet you."
"You look tired."
"How about we get some coffee? You drink?"
"Yes, but I can't ask you to do something like that. I have some at home."
"Don't worry about, we'll go to Dunkin' Donuts and get something, okay?" Alexis jumped with excitement.
"Yay! Come on, Athena, it'll be fun!"
"Well, okay."
"Yay! Let's go."
When we arrived at Dunkin' Donuts we ordered what we wanted and sat down at a nearby table. "Athena, what is that?"
"Oh, Iced Coffee, French Vanilla."
"Do you hate coffee?"
"Yup. I despise it."
"I just don't like it."
"Oookaay? I think."
Her brother cut in. "Don't worry, I had the same reaction too, so don't worry about it." I nodded with a smile. We were all having such a great time.
"Okay, we gotta go." Bryan, Alexis, and I all got into the car. I showed Bryan the way to my house, which ironically was the way to his house.
"You live here?"
"We live next door." "Really? So you're our new neighbor or neighbors."
"Yeah, I guess we'll be seeing each other more often then."
"Yeah, I guess we will."
"Bye Athena."
"See you later Alexis. And thanks for the ride."
"No problem."
After I said my goodbyes I walked inside my house. I put my stuff down, went upstairs and got changed. I sat on my bed only thinking about what the adventures that have yet to come.
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