"Come on Daniel, you gotta at least say something today" Blake whined, i mean i there wasn't anything critically wrong with me but sometimes i didn't like talking, i didn't feel the need. This made Blake frustrated to no end since he didn't know ASL, i had tried to teach him many times but it just wouldn't stick.
"Fine" i snapped at him, he cheered. I smiled a little, he talked about his day and who was being a dick today, this was a daily thing. Everyone was just a giant dick to Blake, Not that he cared.
"Ew, class is gonna start soon" he said leaning against the wall, i sighed and leant on the wall across from him. He was so silly sometimes but it was nice to at least have one friend, my other friend left without saying goodbye but i don't blame them, life gets in the way. I looked out towards the field to see a fight breaking out, Blake noticed me run off in the direction of the field, he ran after me.
"Daniel!" Blake snapped, i got to near the fight and they were pushing and shoving each other, they hadn't thrown a punch yet but it seemed they were close to it. Of course it was Charlie again, he didn't really get along with people all that well but tried all the same, sometimes he just said the wrong things at the wrong times. It wasn't his fault
"You fuck, that was in!" Charlie snapped, he was never good at insults rather than being really loud and making a fuss, it made people back off most the time in fear of being told off but the other guy i didn't recognise didn't back off. Im guessing this was a football dispute since thats the only thing Charlie ever played.
"Are you actually mental?" Asked the other dude, Blake ran into my back and groaned as he assessed the situation, he took a shallow breath in almost preparing himself for something worse than Charlie being knocked to the ground in one hit.
I had known him since he was young, he had done martial arts like me to get his confidence up, it had worked for him. But for me it just gave me a reason to be allowed to hit people. Blake gripped my shoulder, he was... scared?
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