This was not going to end well, Eliza thought.
Eliza, who was dressed in a dark blue velvet ritual dress and had her dark brown hair up in a bun, followed her friend Rose to the location where the ritual would take place.
"Are we there yet?"
"Not yet."
Rose and Eliza had met in their second year of college, in math class, and while they looked similar, they both had completely different personalities. Eliza was more reserved and would rather read a book next to the fireplace than spend time with people she didn't know. Rose on the other hand seemed to have an unlimited energy supply that only increased the more people she met. Why did Eliza even agree to accompany Rose on this suicide mission?
"We're here."
Eliza's friend pulled up the skirt of her emerald green dress and started going up the stairs of a white stone building.
"Isn't this your sorority building?" Eliza questioned.
Rose nodded. For some reason she wasn't very talkative, unlike her usual self. Eliza shrugged and followed her friend up.
A few months back Rose had read about a phenomenon called 'blue moon', which is when there appear two full moons in one month. It's a pretty rare occurence, and even rarer when it coincides with Halloween. In the twentyfirst century there would be six Blue Moon Halloweens, an unusually large amount. Ofcourse Rose decided to do more research and went down the rabbit hole of magic and witchcraft and she ended up creating her own coven of sorority sisters.
Eliza shook her head.
"Hm, what's wrong?"
"Nothing, nothing."
Just then the two had reached the front doors of the Victorian style building. Two columns of white marble held up a small roof to give shade or protect one from the elements. A girl opened the front door. She was clad in a magenta velvet dress and her blonde hair was braided and laid like a crown on her head. She greeted them.
"Hi Rose, hi Eliza! are you ready for the ritual? I'm so excited! It's the first time I'm doing something like this!"
Rose's sorority sister was giddy as fuck. Apparenly everybody reacted differently towards their first ritual.
"Hi, Belle!" Rose's energy seemed to have spiked upon meeting Belle. "I brought Eliza along if you're okay with that. She knows a thing or two about Wicca!"
"Sure, sure! Come in!"
The girls followed Belle into the foyer, where multiple other girls had gathered. The walls were decorated with colorful autumn garlants and gold-painted moons and stars. Rose's sorority sister said her goodbyes for now and went off running another errand.
"Wanna check out the charcuterie table?"
"The what?" It sounded too fancy for Eliza.
"A table with food. Like a snack table but more French."
Eliza snickered, she should have known. These girls were all about a glitzy lifestyle, totally the opposite of her world.
"Sure. Let's go."
After they had stuffed their mouths with meats, cheeses, veggies and for some reason there were also macarons, the group was invided to the courtyard, where a wonky looking magic circle was drawn onto the brick flooring. Eliza cringed at the sight of it.
I hope this holds.
Clouds dissapeared and revealed the full moon high in the dark sky, illuminating the ritual's location in it's bright light. Then an Asian girl in a black version of the same velvet ritual dress as Eliza's and Rose's took the lead.
"That's Ino, the President of our sorority," Rose whispered.
Ino started with the introduction, explaining the purpose of the ritual (really? wealth?) and the Blue Moon effect to the non-initiated. Then she called forth the ten girls who were part of the coven.
"My time to shine." Eliza's friend grinned and stepped into the moonlight, taking her place next to a short girl in a red dress.
When all five points of the star were occupied by a pair of girls, the President started the incantation. It was in Latin, and Eliza was glad she took the dead language classes in high school. She hoped Ino didn't mispronounce anything, or the ritual could give less than desired results.
Not sure how, but for some reason Ino called upon a demon goddess instead of a moon goddess. Fatal mistake. Ino continued her spell, unaware of her fuck up. A purple smoke rose up from the ground, taking the shape of the shoddy circle. Within the smoke a female silhouette appeared. Wings like a bat's dispersed the purple smoke and revealed a scantily dressed woman.
"I am Violette the Demon Goddess, who dares to call upon me at this hour?" Her voice was surprisingly deep.
Eliza feared that they had just woken up a very grumpy demon goddess from her beauty sleep. All she should hope for was that Ino wouldn't say something stupid.
"Grant me wealth."
From a distance Eliza could see her friend shake her head in disbelieve. Even Rose knew that demon goddesses did not take a disrespectful attitude lightly. The demon goddess laughed.
"Hahahaha! You, a puny human who doesn't even know her place when facing a demon goddess? Don't make me laugh!"
Violette lifted a carefully manicured finger, pointing it at the President. Within a second a red pentagram appeared on the girl's forehead, as if it was carved into her skin, and a horrible scream escaped her mouth. Her body slumped down onto the floor and her ritual partner caught her just in time to prevent her face from kissing the brick.
Then chaos. As the other girls started to yell and ran to their President to help, their shoes destroyed the magic circle in the progress. The demon goddess saw her chance and spread her wings and prepaired for take off.
Crap! Crap! Crap! She couldn't let Violette escape.
Eliza clasped her hands together and started a spell her mother had taught her. It was the hardest spell she even had to learn, and this was the first time she had to use it. Hopefully this would be the first and last time.
Three golden halos appeared around the demon goddess, encasing her in their bright light. They grew tighter and tighter around her the longer the spell went on, until she couldn't move anymore.
"Someone! Fix the magic circle, NOW!"
Noone heard Eliza, as they were all busy caring for the President. Then she saw Rose glance up at her, even if it was for just a second.
"Rose! Help!"
The brunette noticed her friend and ran up to her.
"Eliza! What's wrong?!" She looked at Eliza's clasped hands and then up to the bound demon goddess.
"No time! Get the chalk from that table over there and close the magic circle!"
Rose went over to the table Eliza had motioned to with her head, grabbed the chalk and went to draw the cicle back on the courtyard's floor. The new circle's linework gave off a purple glow.
"Thank the Moon Bunny." Eliza released her spell and let out a big sigh.
It wasn't over yet though.
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