The Phantom European Branch
Main Hall, HQ
It was a busy day for the organization. Today is the inauguration of the new recruits. The higher-ups will be arriving in a few hours, so the agents are busy with the preparation. The twenty-year-old Ryzel Thompson glanced at his surroundings and rolled his eyes. He can't understand why everyone was so preoccupied with the ceremony.
"They were not this energetic and enthusiastic last year," Seven Andrews, one of Ryzel's roommates, referred to their own inauguration. Every year, new recruits get accepted to the agency after a year of rigorous training and intense psychological and mental battles.
"I heard that a son of a certain army general got accepted," Jameson, a friend of Seven's, chimed in. "In fact, he aced all of the tests," Jameson added which captured Ryzel's interest. Ryzel's indifferent look filled with curiosity, something that rarely happens. If Ryzel is not indifferent, he's cold and grumpy.
Instead of helping, the three are seated on the wooden bench on the left corner of the hall. They finally finished the arduous training regimen assigned to them, so the three decided to rest. They chose the main hall because the cafeteria sits right next to the hall.
"How do you mean by all?" Seven questioned and sipped his tri-flavored soda: a mix of Coke, orange soda, and lime soda. Jameson could not hide his disgust and grimaced, while Ryzel just stared blankly at Seven.
"He aced the physical tests, the combat training, the intelligence exams, the psychological tests, and even the health check-up!" Jameson answered in a tone full of admiration. "He surpassed you, Ryzel!" Ryzel aced all of the exams, except the psychological test.
Ryzel just rolled his eyes and massaged his temples. He couldn't care less about that person. It's a bummer that someone was able to surpass him, but it's not like he can do something about it.
"Do you think he got in because of his family's connections?" Seven inquired, a bit curious. For him, it was unheard of for someone to ace all of the tests. Ryzel's scores were a no-brainer.
Everyone knows how smart the silver-haired man is. Ryzel was scouted by the boss himself, Trevor Hathaway, but Ryzel still chose to accomplish the exams and training to prove that he's not someone people can belittle. All doubts surrounding Ryzel's acceptance disappeared when Ryzel produced perfect results, except for the psychological exam.
"It's possible. His father has connections with influential people. I even heard that his brother is an attendant of Primo Salazar, one of Boss Trevor's friends and also part of the mafia," Jameson said and took a bite of his pastrami sandwich. Jameson and Seven continued to gossip about the new guy when Ryzel had enough.
Ryzel stood up and brushed his hair in frustration, then glared at the two. "Are you done? Hearing you talk about someone behind their back is irritating the hell out of me, and if we're going to talk about influential people, why don't we get real? Want to talk about influence?" Ryzel snapped, annoyed that the two continued to yap.
Ryzel only got an hour of sleep because of training, and the two assholes beside him were gossiping about the new guy as if they're having their own talk show. "You," Ryzel turned to Jameson who gulped hard and started to sweat cold bullets. "Jameson Villarde. Doesn't your family own a huge shipping line back in Spain? And you," Ryzel turned to Seven who was about to have another sip of his repulsive concoction. "Seven Andrews. You are the President's nephew. How about that for influence?"
Jameson snapped his head to Seven who just sighed and nodded, confirming Ryzel's words. "Instead of engaging in senseless gossips, why don't you run ten laps in the oval?" Ryzel suggested, his tone authoritative and final. "It will be good for the both of you."
"Captain! That's not fair!" Jameson retorted, regretting that they pissed off their new squad captain. Ryzel just got appointed two months ago, and the swarm of applicants was too much to handle, adding to Ryzel's stress.
After all, Ryzel's squad is considered one of the elite teams here in The Phantom, even before Ryzel assumed the position. It's just that, aside from Ryzel's impeccable skills and talents, he's also a beauty. A word that became taboo when Ryzel almost killed an agent for trying to make a move on him. Since then, Ryzel gained his infamous reputation for being the untouchable beauty.
You won't get away with just a bruise. Your limbs will be broken and your confidence and ego will be shattered once you try to hit on Ryzel. Moreover, Ryzel's squad acts as Ryzel's bodyguards. Those who are in Ryzel's squad are the people who are immune to Ryzel's enchanting beauty, including Seven and Jameson.
"Captain, my stomach will burst if I run now," Seven whined and rubbed his swollen stomach. Ryzel guessed that Seven drank almost two liters of soda, enough to give Seven a sugar rush.
Ryzel just stared at the two agents acting like lost puppies in front of him. Sadly, they do not look like puppies. They look like idiots with their ugly, duck faces. Ryzel's description is not very fair. Seven and Jameson are attractive which is an ego-crusher for all the men and women trying to capture Ryzel's attention.
"Whatever." Jameson and Seven's expression lit up at Ryzel's indifferent attitude, but it was a premature celebration. Sporting a stern and strict expression, Ryzel looked at Jameson and Seven intently. "If you don't do what I tell you, I'll be expecting your resignations tomorrow. What I hate the most are fake news and gossips."
Seven and Jameson stood up abruptly and ran towards the oval to complete their ten laps. They can't afford to lose their position. After all, the elite teams have special treatments especially when it comes to food, clothing, and amenities. Being demoted would mean no fancy foods and game nights for the two.
With a shake of his head, Ryzel turned around to go back to his room when he almost bumped into a man, taller than Ryzel, with a set of chocolate brown eyes, a body frame slightly larger than Ryzel, and with manly facial features enough to make Ryzel stare for three seconds.
"Sorry," the man apologized but Ryzel just passed by the man and proceeded to his room, leaving the man baffled. What the fuck happened? Did I offend him? I did apologize.
"Hey, Blue. What are you doing here? Did you find your room?" Rouge, Blue's fraternal twin, asked. However, Blue's gaze was fixed on the direction Ryzel took.
"Silver hair, lavender eyes, fair skin... who's he?" Blue asked in wonder as if he's in a trance, which intrigued Rouge.
"Hmm," Rouge rubbed his chin, trying to remember an agent with that description. "Ah! That's the untouchable beauty," Rouge answered, and Blue's head snapped to his brother.
"Untouchable beauty?" Well, he is a beauty, Blue thought, but untouchable?
"Yeah. His name is Ryzel Thompson, and he is dangerous, Blue. Men who tried to capture his attention always ends up in the hospital in a critical condition."
Blue knitted his forehead at that. "Isn't that against the rules?" Blue had memorized the rulebook, and engaging in a fight against co-agents can lead to suspension, or worse, getting fired.
Rouge smirked and tapped Blue's shoulder. "My perfect brother. For Ryzel, rules don't matter. He has broken far more rules than anyone can imagine, but he's still here. You know why?"
"Humor me," Blue replied, his interest caught by the rebellious agent.
"He's the best agent there is Blue. His squad purged over twenty carrier laboratories since he became squad captain two months ago. His team is composed of rule-breakers, but they are effective and efficient," Rouge explained and almost guffawed at Blue's deep frown. Such a straight-laced individual. Let's see if you can handle that rule-breaker.
"I will not let him do whatever he wants. Rules are created to be followed, not to be broken. Order is needed in an organization. And I will prove it," Blue promised, a bit dismayed at Ryzel's rebellious character. Blue loves order and despise chaos. A complete opposite of Rouge who remained true to his character as the black sheep of the family, something that their parents tolerated.
"I can't let this go on, Rouge. He is not a good example," Blue sighed, his head aching from a problem he never thought he would encounter on his first day.
Rouge raised his brow. "What will you do?"
Blue looked at his brother, determined. "If he doesn't change his ways, I will get him fired."
"Oh. Interesting," Rouge replied nonchalantly, aware that it would be impossible for Ryzel to get kicked out of the agency.
"I'm serious, brother. I will surpass Ryzel's stats. If I can purge more laboratories than him, then he has no choice but to stand down." Blue knows that it will be an effective strategy. Ryzel can do everything he wants because no one has the guts to challenge him.
Rouge just shook his head. Good luck with that, Blue. Ryzel is a pain in the ass.
Blue will establish order in The Phantom, and he thought it would be easy.
Dealing with Ryzel is never easy.
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