"Damn it's cold", Vervain, the King's advisor whispered as he walked towards the library. "I have no idea why the need to consult that lunatic", he said to his partner. "The King said it and so shall it be. No amount of complaints will change that.", Marcus, Vervain's partner, whispered as they neared the Library door. Vervain took a deep breath and raised his hand with the intention of knocking on the rather old and worn down door when an almost silent voice came from the garden at the side of the library. "Over here", it whispered. The Duo ,mildly shaken, turned to meet nothing but a scarecrow made with Bajun leaves and what looked like the tendons of a rather massive beast. "Am I imagining things or is that Bajun scarecrow talking to us", Vervain whispered with his back soaked with sweat. He clearly couldn't comprehend what he was seeing and questioned his partner. Upon receiving no response Vervain turned around and saw Marcus wide eyed and shivering. He kept pointing to the roof of the library and repeatedly muttered, "We....need... to run". Vervain turned his head and the si..........
"SLAM"...A huge cloud of dust was blow up when the book was forcefully closed. "All these stories...are the same, every exploitable plot has been written and my word how terrible the literary taste of people have become..Don't you think so.... Reader", I said as I turned to face you...Yes. I see you. You're already bored aren't you. Believe me I am. Oh apologies let me introduce myself. I am the ....what do they even call me these days, the Forgotten One, Herald of Chaos...aha...The Librarian. Now anything you hear from anyone else is complete bull. I'm a real nice guy and as a nice guy I'm going to do both of us the honours of experiencing on hell of a story. Trust me it will be one to die for..Hmm....how does 13 protagonist sound... I'm not choosing 13 people no, what I'm doing is I am creating 13 slots for these humans to entertain us. With the promise of power they will do anything, everything possible to be our protagonist. Look here, in my hands I hold 13 seeds...I shall cast them into the world of the living and we shall commence the wonderful and action packed experience that I call a good story. Hold onto something cause this ride is about to get interesting.
A tomboy with love issues, a delinquent with identity crisis, a dad in a failing marriage and 10 other lucky or should I say unlucky people are our the main characters. Their realities lie on the hinges of destruction. Can their story entertain the man behind the Book and in the end save their realities or will they choose a totally different route.
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